UPDATE on Spanking with belt
So, For those of you who haven't read my last post about BM's BF saying he was going to spank SD with a belt here is the post. http://www.steptalk.org/node/202476
And here is the Update.
FDH talked to BM yesterday during P/U. He took the previous day to calm down so that things didn't get out of control when he talked to BM and her live in BF. Good move on his part, I think.
So he told BM what SD had told us, She said that BF didn't tell her that he was going to spank her with his belt BUT that SHE told SD that she was going to have BF do it.
FDH did so well (I was in the car with SD) He told BM that if she really gets to the point that she can't handle SD or she is at her wits end with her to just call him and he would pick her up, no matter what time it was.
He also told BM that if he EVER sees any kinds of markings or signs that SD had been spanked, hit, ANYTHING that he would not sit back and just let it happen. He would do whatever it takes to get SD out of BM's house.
He also told her that He doesn't want SD coming home and telling us about how policemen are bad guys because they take grown ups away from their kids.
BM just stood there, with a look on her face like she was going to cry because she had been caught in the wrong.
Maybe she will think twice next time before opening her mouth and scaring SD into listening to her.
I Honestly can't believe that BM would tell SD that her BF would spank her with a belt.
I do feel a little better now, knowing that it wasn't BF who told her this. BUT at the same time I can't believe that BM would think it's okay for someone who is not SD's parent to discipline in this way! SMH.
I've said it once and I will say it again... BM you are truly a effing IDIOT!!
Yeah, from the look on her
Yeah, from the look on her face she looked scared shittless!
I couldn't help but giggle. lol
Hopefully she checks herself before saying anything like this to SD again.
But knowing BM she probably wont.
She doesn't have it in her brain to think about what is going to happen before she does something.
My bil's ex-wife would tell
My bil's ex-wife would tell their son at age 4 that snakes were under his bed to keep him from getting up after bed time. It is absolutely stunning what some BMs will tell little kids. Mind boggling.
It's funny you say this
It's funny you say this because, BM actually HAS told SD something along those lines, But rather than Snakes she said the Boogieman.
When SD asked me if the Boogieman lived under her bed here at home... I said no, why?
This is when she told me that BM said that the Boogieman lives under her bed and if she tries to get out of bed before BM gets her up he would grab her feet and take her away!!
I told her that the boogieman was not real, and I told her to just look under her bed. so we looked under everyones beds and now she knows that he is not a real thing.
Does BM think that we would go along with these horrible stories she tells SD?
I can't believe this woman!
dtzyblnd, I'm not sure how
dtzyblnd, I'm not sure how true that concept is. Growing up I was spanked with everything under the sun lol. Belt, hand, wooden spoon, a remote controller, even a horse whip. But never once has the thought of spanking the skid cross my mind, even when they were acting really bad. And I wouldn't support such a thing either.
No, he has called BM about
No, he has called BM about other, little things in the past.
SD telling him BM locks her in her room when she cries, and things of that nature.
He has confronted her and somethings she has denied and somethings she is honest.
This was something he wanted to talk to them in person about... So that they could see the anger in his eyes. Not just hear it.
And if she did defend him, it would have been a whole other story. We would be talking to a lawyer like yesterday, because if she would let that fly and DEFEND live in we would not want to find out how far Live in would take things before BM stepped in.
thank fully it went down another path.
When he called she did say
When he called she did say these things. But FDH wanted to talk to her face to face. When this happened she Crumbled, Because FDH wanted to talk to Live in as well. She didn't want anything to happen.
When we pulled up to her house to P/U SD it was just BM outside with SD. FDH got out and said he needed to talk to Live in. BM was hesitant but called Live in out and FDH started asking Them both about the incident again The story changed. BM didn't want her BF to answer, she pipped up really fast to say it was HER that told SD BF would spank her with his belt.
Sorry for the confusion. I should have stated that in the post.
Is there any BM that knows
Is there any BM that knows how to parent with out fucking up the kids? Seriousl! Our skids are told if they dont get in bed with BM when she goes to bed that wolf will come to the door and play bad tricks on them, if they do not fall for the tricks they will be fine but if they do the wolf will eat them, wtf?? So they both go to bed with her! What to do with all these kids with sad lives? I do not know!
Wow MdMom. BM sounds like a
Wow MdMom. BM sounds like a real piece of work!
I'm glad your DH got that straightened out. I do not condone use of belts on kids. Ever. A hand across their little butt gets the point across just fine.