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The truth about divorced people with kids

frustratedoneeastcoast's picture

The truth about people who are divorced with kids is.......

-They are always broke

-They do not have any free time

-They only care about their kids and what you can do for them and thier kids. It is a one sided situation. Quit helping them with their bills and being a free nanny to their kids. See how long the relationship lasts. 

-They are narcissistic and extremely self centered.

-Their kids are spoiled behave worse than children who come from homes where there was not a divorce.


Merry's picture

Now wait a minute. That blanket statement paints all divorced people with kids in the same horrible light. I certainly was NONE of those things (well, sometimes broke) when I was raising mine.

Stereotypes are (1) not usefu and (2) offensive. Does this apply to some people? Yes, sure. But not nearly ALL.

queensway's picture

This is not offensive, At all. I think she could be talking about my husband when I first met him. Then life happens and things change.When people get divorced with kids they are broke at first and their kids are spoiled. This is not a stereotype but more a reality.

tog redux's picture

Huh? I don't generalize my own experience to everyone else's like you are doing. "My DH is like that so that means all divorced men with kids must be that way!".

crystaloo's picture

I definitely agree with them always being broke and their kids generally behaving worse than children from non divorced households.

MissK03's picture

I'm a child of divorce for 25+ years now. My brothers and I didn't turn into any of the scenarios you read about on here. 

Society makes things worse now (in my opinion) about how all these kids should treated intact households or divorced. 

I know of PLENTY of parents who are still married and have the same issues with their kids that divorced people have with theirs. 

There are lots of factors that come into play on how people turn out. Just because their parents are divorced or being a child of divorce does not automatically classify you in a certain section of society. 

queensway's picture

Chill out. She is not talkng about you. She is talking about things in general. I am sure you are just fine.

MissK03's picture

LOLL I'm chill as an ice cube.  I clearly understand she's not talking about me directly. I was giving my opinion that this isn't always the case and NOT all children of divorce or divorcees are these type of people. 


queensway's picture

My parents divorced when I was 19. I get it. But my Dad was broke.My mother did ok in the divorce. As the years went by things got back to normal. Divorce does change things money wise. And many parents become disney parents. That is where the spoiled child comes into play.

Sandybeaches's picture

"Chill out. She is not talkng about you. She is talking about things in general. I am sure you are just fine

Ummm I think she would be talking about her as I believe her statement was divorced people and their children so why wouldn't it mean her too??

SeeYouNever's picture

I should give this to every single person I know who is considering dating a single parent.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

One of the most important things I learned about divorced people is, they are divorced for VALID REASONS, and it's important to learn what those reasons are BEFORE getting into a committed relationship with one. The fault always lies with both parties, no matter what narrative they spin. Even if BM is a mentally ill whoring sponger, that's what BD was drawn to.

 The smart individuals do the work to get their poo together before trying again. They look inward, become more self aware, admit their shortcomings, and fix themselves. The dumb ones blame everything on their ex and look for an immediate replacement.


still learning's picture

I can agree with all of this. DH was this way when I first met him even though he'd been divorced for over 10 years and had adult sons.  I was this way when I got divorced but had 4 minors. Broke, no time for anyone else's drama, kids were brats because their father left, family dynamics changed overnight. I'm sure I appeared extremely self centered because I had to pull in my energy to take care of myself and my family just to survive.  It was a tough time and definitely not the time to start a relationship.  

marblefawn's picture

Maybe they aren't all like this, but it sure is a type...maybe we can all agree to that!

ESMOD's picture

Honestly, I my experience doesn't validate these statements... except for the "broke" thing... and honestly that had about zero to do with the fact that my DH was divorced with kids.. his CS obligation was not particularly huge... it was other factors.. the economy.. some natural disasters and just bad luck (state changed some regulations that put him out of business for example)  seemed to hit every industry he would get a small start in.

But... time?  we had that..  I was never expected to be a nanny... and he was as generous with me financially... as I was ever with him.  He was not a disney dad... did not craft our time around his kid's activity.. they came with US not vice versa.

My DH isn't perfect.. and there are some things about him that I'm not sure would be everyone's cup of tea.. but we are a good match.

And I realize that "MY" experience isn't everyone's.  But.. there are plenty of people that do make it work with more success than others.. probably due to a ton of factors.


ESMOD's picture

EDITED: The truth about people who are divorced with kids is.......

-They are always Broke!  They may have fewer unspoken for financial resources... "broker" than if they didn't have kids.  (and maybe even spousal support obligations).  By having kids, they do automatically have an obligation to at least partially support another human being(s)... depending upon their earning power.. that may or may not leave a whole lot left over.

-They do not have any free time.  They will have other time obligations that may mean that your wants may not always be possible.  They will be held to custody pick-up schedules, School and extracurricular activities etc.. will need to be worked into their schedules.  What you want to do may not always be possible.

-They only care about their kids and what you can do for them and thier kids. It is a one sided situation. Quit helping them with their bills and being a free nanny to their kids. See how long the relationship lasts.   They love their kids and may have a hard time understanding why you don't.  They may need help with their kids just like you may need their help with things you have to get done.

-They are narcissistic and extremely self centered.   As a divorced person... there could have been a lot of factors that led to that break up.  Don't automatically assume it was all the "other" person's fault.. as flawed as you may view them.

-Their kids are spoiled behave worse than children who come from homes where there was not a divorce.  A kid who is not related to you in your home is not a natural situation.  Kids behaviors can be all over the board depending upon how well their parents have raised them to date... Divorce, in itself, doesn't necessarily cause kids to be spoiled or poorly behaved, but the way the adults in their lives treat them will definitely have an impact.  A parent with limited access to their child may have a tendency to overcompensate.. and that can lead to problems.

The strikethrough situations are not an automatic given... I'm not going to be a pious donkey tail and say that if someone were a better/more understanding Step parent that things would work out better.  Sure.. a SP attitude approach to the situation can also have an impact.. but sometimes it is a losing proposition.  But, there IS a kernel of truth to the "you knew what you were getting into"... because in almost all cases, if you know you are getting into a relationship with someone with kids... it wasn't a surprise.. as we see on here very often.. there were red flags that were ignored.. we often admit we ignored them... so while sometimes the depths of the misery couldn't be predicted.. there are things about steplife that we should not have been completely surprised by.

There are some people who hate the sound of the child breathing.. even when the kid for all descriptions isn't even a particularly horrible child.. maybe mildly annoying.. but I think ALL kids fall into that category..haha.  I don't know why people would subject themselves to so much misery... and inflict it on others when the solution to walk away would probably be better for everyone involved.  Sometimes the price of the relationship is too high.. I mean, we are all here because at one point or another we had a gripe about our step situation... that's normal.. no life is perfect.. but if every aspect of it is hell.. why continue to force it?

Unsureofthis's picture

What I don't get is that people who realise this and experience this STILL often decide to have children of their own with the divorced person with kids and hence shackle themselves to that person for all eternity.

SlowWorm's picture

That does not match my of experience.

"They are always broke -They do not have any free time"

No, not so. When I first met my wife-to-be, she had her finances in good order, and we did have time to do things.

"They only care about their kids and what you can do for them and thier kids. Quit helping them with their bills and being a free nanny to their kids. See how long the relationship lasts."

Of course we share the household bills. I never had the opportunity for any nanny-like role - the kids were too old for that by the time I met them. I did get to do quite a bit of grandkid care

"They are narcissistic and extremely self centered."

No, my wife is not. Very far from it. 

"Their kids are spoiled behave worse than children who come from homes where there was not a divorce."

The kids are not spoiled at all. Our daughter tries to spoil me whenever we visit her. 

Rags's picture

Any statement that includes "always" or "never" is categorically inaccurate.

While I get your frustration, anyone  in a blended relationship in all likelihood gets it, take a step back and broaden your view a bit.

You may just see something that isn't all doom and gloom.

Take care of you.