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transportation during visits

starfish1012's picture

my SS4's BM is on probation and doesn't have a license.

so when she was awarded unsupervised visitation, the judge said she must either use public transit or submit the names of people driving her and son around to the court (for background checks) and my DH. she has not done so.

the first visit, she used her probation officer-fine. today, the second visit, she shows up to drop him off in a yellow sports car with two people that looked like trouble--one was driving. she said she was on her way to a "meeting" which means they are in NA together.

i see this as a violation of a court order and a BIG PROBLEM.
1. all inside of car are (possibly) recovering addicts
2. we do not know who they are (it was a drop off, not a pick up so we couldn't ask prior to the ride)or if they even have a license
3. the SS4 didn't know who they were (he's accepting rides from strangers at his BMs command!)

i'm so disturbed! what do we do!