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Tired of asking nicely to put things away?! clean? here's your best solution that won't drive you crazy and works wonders!

LastUnicorn's picture

Have you ever been tired of repeating yourself over and over about disorganization, asking to please pick their things up from the middle of the living room, kitchen, put away your shoes, books, toys, etc?

Well gets what? Try Disengaging by no speaking about it anymore and silently things “disappear”. Yep, you as the magician of course!

Those “useless glasses” that have been on the side of the couch for eight days? Are now in the garbage. Those socks left by the door are safely put away in the kitchen’s trash. The make-up concealer on top of the table? You won’t be able to find it now. Oops and those air-pods! Those air-pods you paid with all the Christmas money you got? How many times Have you lost them and found them? Guess what? I hope the garbage man has a son that appreciates it more than you so since you have no clue were you left them!!! The dresses and shirts behind the laundry machine that you haven’t missed for almost 2 months and I’m sick and tired of telling you to put them away have been donated to families in need; same with countless of toys that haven’t found their home in weeks; the swimming suit that has been under the rain for the past couple of thunder storms, grew mold and legs, it walked away!

And if you left something else behind that is too big or shinny to find a place in the garbage is being placed in the middle of the living room, yep, right in the middle of it. So inconveniently located that even your lazy self, has to pick it up in able to be able to walk without tripping. But in case you can’t put it away in a couple of days, I’m sure it will find a way, to… you guessed it! The garbage can!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

We have a long time member called ntm who employed a similar solution. She went through years of h@ll with her conflict avoidant H's messy daughters.

All of her pleas that they pick up after themselves, or their father make them do so, fell on deaf ears. So she resorted to going through the house with a black Hefty bag, picking up the detritus. Shoes, clothes, electronics - it all went in the bag along with any garbage, and was then tossed into the garage. That way it wasn't gone permanently, but the skids had to sort through a trash bag (sometimes several) to retrieve their belongings. I think that was a great, practical consequence.

MissK03's picture

Oooo this sounds exactly Iike me. It's caused a big problem in my relationship. I honestly might start the garbage bag!! SS16 (who is everyone's dream skid) is the worse with leaving stuff EVERYWHERE!! They all do it though. SS17 can't put any food items away. SD isn't too bad but, if she makes something she doesn't really clean up well. 

It is stuff I can't literally throw out. MacBook, controlers, notebooks, etc. BUT, putting everything in a bag might do the trick! 

ESMOD's picture

This is only going to work if that white knight you are married to isn't inclined to rush out and replace all the missing items.  Who cares if I lost my Ipods.. daddy will buy the newer version..

And.. I'm fairly certain that you could "half step" into this by boxing the stuff up and putting it somewhere that no one knows the location of.. then perhaps these items could be returned for "bail".. 

I will be honest.. I'm not a super neat person.. but the chaos gets to even me! You take my clutter.. add DH.. and then pile on his kids.. it could get enough to drive ME nuts.. and fortunately, my DH would pitch in.. and I actually didn't worry too much about the girl's mess as long as they kept it in their room... although the half drank drinks.. still trigger me!

shamds's picture

Why are my kitchen cabinets growing mould. Till i saw the toaster had bread crumbs growing green mould and ss had been toasting bread and contaminated other things he used with yummy green mould toasted bread. 

chucked in the bim and 6 months later he frantically opens every cabinet in kitchen about 5 times whilst hubby was at work. Loves to pretend me and my kids with hubby do not exist and when hubby came home he checks kitchen cabinets another 2 times before asking my husband where the toaster is.

the kitchen is my domain, hubby has no clue as he works all day and this is ss's way of making me feel unwelcome and invisible at home. Hubby asked me and I pretended I didn't hear him. Then my husband asked and i told him the toaster had green mould because one of you couldn't be bothered to clean it and kitchen cabinets were growing green mould so it was binned over 6 months ago.

yeah ss was pissed but also a dickhead for letting it get to that point. After then any laziness or mess by grown arse adult ss i would take a pic and text hubby at work to deal with this immediately. 

i figured 1 day eventually hubby would have a crap day at work, know i was busy with a newborn & toddler and realize this waste of space ss had done fuc* all. Took about 1 yr to happen but it was so hilarious to see hubby grow a pair of balls and ss stare in shock at hubby telking him off to empty the trash and stop being so lazy. Ss just replied with mmmm

next day hubby had messaged him 30 timed by noon if he had taken out the trash. Ss could have avoided that if he had just done what hubby asked.

Cover1W's picture

Yes!  Exactly.  That is the only way I found to deal with it because however I asked things be picked up it was always my issue - always my issue but never my things in anyone else's way.

If no one takes care of things within 24 hours or before they leave for the week - GONE!  I then get to decide what to do with it.

DH I'll be more lenient with because he's not a kid and generally does pick up wihen I ask him to, but he gets things dumped on his side of the bed often enough to get it.