This time she called at 11:15 p.m.
And he is totally clueless! He was working late and had headphones on. When his phone started ringing and he didn't answer, I thought he was actually going to ignore it, but no he didn't hear it. She called 3 times and then the home phone rang, and of course his daughter was on the line leaving a message. So I asked him if he heard it, and he practically bit my head off because I didn't tell him that his daughter was trying to get a hold of him. I told him not to be so naive and to realize that if he doesn't answer the phone, the common thing that ex-wives like to do is stick the kid on the phone, because how dare he not answer the phone for his daughter. Of course, he didn't see it that way. He tried to turn it around on me saying "you don't want me to have a relationship with my kids," but that didn't fly. He insists that his daughter wanted to talk to him. I figured out that a 7-year-old that doesn't want to go to bed at 11:15 will say "I want to talk to my daddy," at which point the mother should have told her that it was too late and besides she will be seeing him tomorrow and be staying all weekend! Still, he sees importance in every single phone call he receives and I'm just being petty!
We continued to argue and then started to calm down a bit. He might not see what is going on, but I told him he clearly has no boundaries and he should get some. I won't put up with this forever.