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I had enough!!

nightowl2780's picture

Between my BFs daughter, her BM and everything else, I finally snapped. Yesterday I went to yard sales with our daughter so my BF could sleep in (I left around 11:15 AM). I stopped at my moms a little bit and then went home. When I got there, I found a note my BF left that said he went for a walk. My BF is LAZY!!! He doesn't go for walks. Anyway, I called the bar and guess what?? He was there. So much for a walk. Anyway, that was at 2 PM. At 10 PM I took our 2 month old daughter to my moms house and went to the bar to get my house key back. I talked to him for a little while but it didn't seem to do any good. I left. At 2:20 AM he is sitting on our front porch. We had words and I went to my moms house. This is the 3rd time since our daughter has been born that he has just left and stumbled home 8, 10, 13 hours later drunk as shit. I told him after the second time that he is gonna lose his happy home. He called my bluff but the sad part is... I wasn't bluffing. I have no clue where he spent the night. I was at my mom and dads with our daughter. I ran home to take a bath this morning and called his brother to see if he can stay there until he finds a place and then went back to my moms. I don't need a man in my life. I don't care if he drinks, I don't care if he goes to a bar, just don't lie to me about where you are going and don't stay out for so many hours. He wasn't like this until I had our daughter. I don't understand it. That is so disrespectful. He lives with me and our daughter and didn't even see her yesterday - that is pathetic!!! He is pathetic!!!


Thetis's picture

I'm sorry you're going through this. I have no advice, I was going through something similar recently. Talk to him? Go to your moms?
Idk just do what you feel you need to do for you and your daughter.

nightowl2780's picture

I DON'T need a man in my life!!! Sorry I wrote that wrong!!! I choose to have one or to not have one. He just came home (3:30 PM) to get his phone numbers and to hold our baby. I love him so much but I deserve to be respected!! I just asked him if he would want a man treating our daughter like he has treated me. He said no. I asked him why I deserve to be treated this way. I just don't know what to do. Thank you all for listening!!!

stepmom008's picture

"I just asked him if he would want a man treating our daughter like he has treated me."

I think that is a GREAT and very logical way to present this to BF. I hope that gives him something to think about.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".