Support from divorced spouse
I can relate to so many of the concerns expressed by others on this site, regarding step children. I am curious, however, to hear feedback regarding step parent relationships with the divorced spouse on other issues not related to the children. In other words, I came to the realization long ago, that nothing will ever change with the dynamics between my skids, my DW, my BS and myself. I just have to accept the fact that I will always be the one to bend way over backwards, make concessions, give in, and for the most part, bite my tongue, if I am to keep the peace. It is just the nature of the beast. Because of this, however, I feel very strongly that the least I should expect is my DW's strong support in areas not related to the kids. The marriage becomes quite unbearable when I feel these most basic of spousal needs are not being met. I should also mention, we both work full time in very stressful jobs, and I help substantially with household chores, shopping, etc. I don't expect my wife to be chef of the year, and actually help as much as possible with the cooking (during the week she is home much earlier, since she is a teacher, so it makes sense she usually starts dinner before I get home). I am alo very involved with skids' many extracurricular activiites, am always very supportive (never critical) and take a very serious interest in their education (once again never critical). Obviously, I am not perfect and have enough faults of my own. I know I can sometimes be moody after a stressful day, but I do try to work on that.
I would love to hear views of other stepparents on this subject. Am I being unrealistic in expecting DW to be a little more attentive to my personal needs (emotional, not physical), since on a daily basis I make most of the concessions necessary (involving the kids) in order to maintain a relatively healthy, peaceful home environment for skids and BS?
totally reasonable... the
totally reasonable... the problem ive found though is that sometimes life is so exhausting and busy that there is not a lot left over for us steps.... try to plan date nights and reduce stress where ever you can... it will help to conserve energy for the relationship.