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Step daughter just hits certain nerves....

Loneranger's picture

I am trying to deal with SD T, and I am getting annoyed with her, especially with covid thats going on.... Her belief system is, she thinks people's immune system can just fight off covid without the vaccine, and God will protect them. I think God asks us humans to be smart and take meds and vaccines  when needed God want's us to be safe. when they are all sick,  they go around spreading their colds, even covid, I'm sure. So sometimes when we go places, like Denny's, or the movies, she says.... By the way, the grand kids and us, are sick. They don't even know what they have. I get it, this is America, we all deserve to have rights on what we believe, "BUT"!!......when your beliefs start affecting others, that's where the line is drawn..... I am a Christian and believe God gave us brains to create medicines, and vaccines, that's why Christian doctors fly to Third world countries giving vaccines to adults and kids. SD T texts her mom yo come help clean her home, I'm 40, my wife is 57 and getting older, and she can't being doing all that anymore, when I try and step in  she gets offended and mad thinking I don't like her kids or wanting her doing anything with them.. we haveva daughter together that has downs, and autism, our daughter doesn't have a immune system like other kids, luckily when we all git covid. We barely got sick, day I was really sick, felt like throwing up. I was also sweaty and light headed, felt better the next day.  our bio daughter hardly got sick, she was a trooper, kinda wonder if the rsv she got when she was younger, that put her in the the hospital for four months, had something to do with covid not affecting  her, and she some how had antibodies that helped her fight it... We all got our shots, our daughter only got one of the shots because our daughter had health issues, during the time she was up for her second covid shot. The doctor advised we wait, but when we got covid, our bio daughter hardly was sick, we were proud of her.  My SD "T" don't work, never went to college, doesn't have a career, Basically her husband works and they struggle, on top of it, they have three kids, and one on the way. I can't stand SD's husband, total egg head. SD goes to his church, they speak in tongues, weird.... What's going to happen if her husband dies? Or he leaves her? She doesn't know anything about jobs. Or know what to do....SD T is bossy and likes to run the show, meaning she likes to take charge of everything..... She thinks that when she comes to visit I have to change my movie, or show that I am watching because of their beliefs, I mean, I def wouldn't watch movies with people making out, or having sex, or shows like that. But she expects me to put on cartoons or something,   when she comes over unannounced, like I have to kneel to her, f### that. One time when the step grand-kids where over I was watching a scary movie and there was a kid in the movie around M's age, and he was laughing and then he said..... I can watch this grandpa, I'm not scared, I mean you could tell the leprechaun was a little person in a plastic costume, that's how corny it was.... He was laughing and all sorts, then I said, if you're going to watch this, don't go home and start drama, he said....alright, I wont..won't... He was laughing thevwhole time..... So him and his brother go home the next day as we drop them off at their church, with their mom and dad.A week later SD calls screaming and rebuking me, saying on the phone.... I rebuke you Satan, in the name of J****..... I told you I don't want them watching scary movies, you don't respect me, blah, blah, blah. I had those brats in my bio Daughter's room, watching new Disney movies, and they kept wanting to watch what me and my wife was watching, in the living room...I'm frustrated and need to vent, thanks for who ever took the time to read this... I ask that you please don't send me rude comments, I like honest advise if you're being genuine, and not rude... I am on thus forum to let out my frustrations, because I have nowhere else to. I don't keep my wife away from her kids, I an a good husband and thing my SD T needs to stop using people and do something for herself. Her mom does too much as it is, she doesn't need to clean her house... Husband needs to step in.. I have more things to share, I'll share more later on... God bless all. 

Loneranger's picture

Sorry for spelling errors, this site doesn't have a way to fix my spelling, and typos....

Someoneelse's picture

I think that you need to leave God off of the step talk site as not everyone is Christian and it makes it hard to give advice when the only thing people talk about is God this and Jesus that. I don't know what kind of advice to give you. Other than just remember SD isn't your child and it's best not to argue with stupid as they never are going to realize they are wrong

Loneranger's picture

I asked for those who comment on my post to be please be respectful, if you don't like my post, then don't comment, and I love God, and won't stop sharing my beliefs. 

CLove's picture

is solely responsible for her relationship to SD, so disengaging would be your best course of action. All the COVID commentary, Ill just leave that as is. Ive gotten it and it sucks. Im also vaccinated. 

Your wife should be standiing up for you with respect to her daughter. No she should not be asking your wife to clean her house, but thats your wifes choice. However, she definitely needs to cut that girl off from trying to take over your household. Have a talk about your feelings with your wife, then disengage.

Vent away it definitely helps.

Rags's picture

I too am fully vaccinated, 3 time Pfizer flyer, and got it.

Though I am convinced that my symptoms were moderate due to being vaccinated.

Im sorry that you had it.

Loneranger's picture

Thanks, for your advice, I think it would do good to talk with my so and tell her to STOP!! trying to control our home and then disengage.... If I keep explaining myself then I think my so won't  think I'm serious, and SD will keep on, keepin on.

Elea's picture

I am a believer. God is whispering in my ear that your SD is an idiot and doesn't deserve your headspace. 

Loneranger's picture

Thank you, and God bless... 

Loneranger's picture

Sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine what you're going through. Much respect to you, and God bless... I almost lost my mom, years ago when we were in Conroe Texas, she had what John Ritter had, a stomach aneurysm, and was in a induced coma,  for like three months. She survived it. Yeah, with kids that young, I wouldn't get mad either, there just kids, and don't know better, so I can understand where you are coming from, at least she's young enough to still learn resprect... My SD is in a church that tell woman to dress like they are from the 1800's,  or like they are Mormons or something, don't know... I mean, no respectful person should dress inappropriate, anyways.. To dress like your in 17th century England though? And the woman don't work? SD don't work, or have an education, she did get mad at me once, and say....I will find a man who will take care of me, and I won't have to work. She got her wish. Doesn't work, has no life, but four children, including the newborn, that's no life.. What if her husband dies? She will be relying on her mommy and me, I'd tell my wife I'm leaving if she moves in... No offense, but she has that, I am the boss of your home mentality... SD also gossips all the time... Sorry for rambling, you just seem like a nice person I can lean on. God bless you... Hope to hear from you again...