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SS looks like a Homeless refugee will CPS get involved

Stepmomkate1's picture

BM is a "animal collector". She has 10 goats, two horses, one mule,  multiple chickens/ducks, 5 dogs and 20 cats. I love animals and have 5 cats of my own so how many is not the point. 

BM started collecting two years ago and that's when SS14 Hygiene went to hell. We only see him on weekends and when we pick him up from school on Friday the smell is Overpowering. Like I need to drive with the windows open. SS14 only takes a shower Sunday night and wears the SAME clothes all week. By Friday SS14 smells and looks like he rolled in a pile Of manure and add a weeks worth of really BAD Body Odor. 

Masks or no Masks SS14 smell must be Stink up the whole room at school not to mention his clothes are filthy. 

This has been going on for two years BUT the school has not said anything. Since SS is in high school do they not care? Are teens all Disgusting? Yes DH has spoken to SS a number of times but DH can't control what goes on at BM's house. I'm just Curious why the school has not sent an email home mentioning SS's Filthiness. 

ESMOD's picture

Why is his dad ok with this?  He should be calling him daily asking him to shower and if he shows up dirty.. he needs to start thinking about some consequences for being a slob.

shamds's picture

Smelling like a goat/cow manure or the farm, he is told to go back into biomums house to shower with soap to get rid of the stench and clean clothes

my husband is a guilty disney dad but basic hygiene he maintains. No way would he allow ss smell disgusting yet alone his clothes. 
i remember being pregnant with my son and the stench of his fermented sweaty clothing he hung with ours, i told hubby to check and make sure that smell was gone.

he screamed ss name so hard and made him take all his clothes. Idiot adult ss was doing a full load of laundry right to the top but selecting 1/3 the level in of water. How the heck do you clean 17kg worth of clothing with the equivalent of 5.5-6 litres of water?? You friggin can't 

Thumper's picture

Yes, I would call cps for this. 

 I would also call the school and speak to Guidance.



Exjuliemccoy's picture

And call Animal Control as well.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

From reading your previous posts your SS seems to have violent tendancies.  I'd concentrate on this part of his issues.

Someoneelse's picture

If he's 14, he knows how to take care of his own hygiene, cps will not get involved over him looking like trash, that's his own decision