A lil background... due to court order my DH does not have visitation with his kids sd14 and ss8 but he is suppose to get phone calls from them every monday and wednesday. When they do call sd is very mean to him telling him she hates him and wants nothing to do with him because he's not her dad, her only dad is her step dad (bio mom remarried) she goes on and on about how she wishes he was dead she says "f*ck you and your family" of course after these phone calls DH is very sad and depressed. Well on monday she calls and asks him if he has paid child support he told her it was not due til the 15th she said she wanted money to go shopping, well today he calls me and tells me that hes going to send his payment ASAP so she can go shopping....uuugghhh why is it that she can call him and say so many mean things to him going as far as telling him hes not her dad but yet expects/demands him to give her money the moment she wants and this stupid dumb ass goes out of his way to give in to her... its so irritating hearing talk to him like this and then more irritating watching him jump the minute she wants something from him. Im so angry and I know theres nothing I can do cause regardless he needs to pay child support I just wish for once he wont give in to her stupid lil tantrums and put her ass in her place. But of course that wont happen cause thats daddys lil princess :sick:
he has a criminal record, it
he has a criminal record, it happened before bio mom but of course the witch that she is used it against him in court and now has to see them under supervision which is fine but sd doesnt want to see my DH and he doesnt push her because he doesnt want to "force" her to do something she doesnt want. I think its all BULLSHIT!! Bio mom puts alot of things in sd head about DH but come on shes 14 she should know bio mom is lying.
Go to the website of the
Go to the website of the attorney general of the state the visitation/child support case is in and check out their family law section. Search the internet for legal advice for dads and try to ask questions on those websites. Given that DH has a criminal record, I don't know what his options are. A lot of it will likely depend on the severity of his crime.
She might or might not know her BM is lying. She might genuinely believe it because BM is her mom and nobody wants to think their mom is a liar. If she hasn't seen DH in over a year, that's a lot of time for BM to practice parental alienation syndrome (PAS). Read up on PAS. It sounds like that's what's going on here, and you can share this information with DH. It also sounds like SD will need some intensive counseling to help see through the PAS. This is the case for many kids who are victims of PAS.
If you have a suspicion that there is anything illegal/abusive going on at BM's house, an anonymous call/email to CPS should be sent/placed. They are obligated to look into every claim they get.
WOW!!! I had never heard of
I had never heard of that I just looked it up and bio mom is doing everything it describes I dont think DH knows about this. I will bring it up to him and hopefully he will grow half of his balls back and fight her with this in court. Thanks for the info
I have told him in so many
I have told him in so many ways that he needs to remind her who is the adult and not to talk to him like that. On monday when she called she started talking her crap and he told her "honey I hear youre getting upset im going to let you go before you start saying more mean things to me" and hung up :jawdrop: I was shocked he did this. But with him giving in and giving her the money early its abvious that Mondays conversation didnt matter and nomatter what he says he will end up giving in and is unwilling to stand firm on what he says.