So Annoyed Right Now - Rant
My FDH got full time custody of his 2 boys in November. Well, they are supposed to go to BM's every other weekend and haven't gone since Christmas! BM's too busy running away from her on again off again boyfriend and is too self absorbed to realize that she needs to take her kids!!! Anyways, this weekend was the weekend that was FINALLY KID FREE!!!!! FML! Stupid FDH got mad at his son for his shitty report card and made him cry! 21% for a major class is no laughing matter!!! Anyways, FDH felt SOOOOOOO bad for making him cry and is now running around the house kissing his ass like you would not believe. It's sad really. So, now I can hear him saying, "you don't have to go to BM's if you don't want too"... um... WTF! Yes he does! Was this kid home from school all week because of finals. Yes! Who was here while he was off school?!? ME!!! Who is stuck here all weekend with no vehicle because FDH has to use MY TRUCK for work and leave me with nothing?!? ME!!! Who is sick of having kids in the house 24/7 while I am literally stuck here with them because of no vehicle?!?! ME!!!! I just got mad at FDH over this because I NEED a break from these kids! They're great kids, but not mine and I need a break!! I am so sick of not having a weekend I can look forward to, because these kids are ALWAYS here!!!! Ugh! Now he's running his mouth to me calling me selfish! You're fucking rights I'm selfish!!!! THESE AREN'T MY KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me rant! I feel a little better. Just going to pour myself a giant bottle of wine and hide in my bedroom.
Selfish. Damn right, I'm
Selfish. Damn right, I'm selfish. That's why I didn't have my own damn kids!
I feel for you. Drink that wine, honey.
Do you really think you can
Do you really think you can do this for the next ten years or whatever? Tell husband that this was a mistake on your part - take the blame so he can't argue over that - but remain firm. It was a mistake. Don't throw any more of your life into this as end ending is inevitable.
Take a cab on Monday to see a divorce attorney.
Find a guy with no kids for heavens sake and have a clear understanding about having kids or not before getting married.
No attorney - divorce or
No attorney - divorce or otherwise - is necessary. Isn't FDH = FUTURE Dear Husband? They're not married.
If you have a problem with
If you have a problem with those kids being home 24/7,why are you marrying this man?
He is the CP, not mom. Visitation for her is optional not mandatory.
The BM in my life is having a fit but cause DF didn't pick his girls up for one of his weekends last month. He took me on a cruise for my birthday instead. He's going to miss a weekend in May because were going to my son's college graduation. She'll pitch a bitch about that one as well.
You cannot file for contempt
You cannot file for contempt when an NCP does not exercise visitation. Visitation is NOT required.
What state? Because that is
What state? Because that is VERY unusual, unless it is actually a joint custody situation. Visitation is rarelty required to be exercised.
Weel, in the US, not
Weel, in the US, not utilizing visitation is not going to be heard as a contempt action.
In my DH's CO with the BM, it
In my DH's CO with the BM, it is a contempt. I'm in the U.S.
Thank you so much for all
Thank you so much for all your responses. A little more info is probably needed to better understand the situation, but sometimes when I get ranting I'm all over the place. I've been with my FDH for 10 years this year. His kids are 13 and 11, so I've known them since ages 2 and 4. Their mom is a gold digging POS and doesn't work, sits on welfare and scams anyone and everyone she can to get a free hand out. She's even joined a church, just so she can have help moving (which she does every 4 months) and get the food hampers they hand out to families in need. Well, My FDH mom works at this church she went to and they wrote down "1" large hamper... well, BM took it upon herself to change the "1" to a "4" and scammed them out of 3 large hampers!!! FDH mom notified the other churches in the city to let them know what she did so she doesn't get away with it anywhere else. She also lied to the courts about FDH making child support payments over the span of 2 years that they made FDH REPAY AGAIN :jawdrop: Anyways, BM has been married, divorced and with a bunch of different men and has 5 kids in total with 3 different biodads. She had twins that got taken away from her before FDH and her were together. Then, when FDH was FOURTEEN and she was 19, he knocked her up and that was the beginning of the end. His boys are actually really well behaved and make me feel rather lucky when I'm reading some of these posts. BM's last bf was in and out of jail for major crimes that made it to the news and newspapers! She was moving the kids around different schools/cities for the past 2 years and they were starting to fail school. Last summer, BM's bf (he's very jealous of my FDH for some reason)served FDH with court papers that were requesting MORE child support (because I have a business I own and she thought she could get her hands into my money as well) and she was also requesting that I was to not be around the boys when they came over (no reason, other than she wanted to start shit again). So, by this point BM gave us enough ammunition to go for full time custody. And it truly was in the best interest of the kids. Living with her, they went to 4 different schools in less than one year! We have been living in the same place for the past 4 years and both have full time jobs (I HAD a full time job, but got laid off last Friday, which is why I'm stuck at home with the kids all day). No stability whatsoever! FDH was given full time custody in October. Since then, BM has moved twice, her bf was arrested and went to jail, got out and they got back together. They are currently breaking up again. Now, the wrench in all of this... BM is sick! I mean, really sick. We don't know the exact details, but she has been in the hospital for weeks, got surgery and is always going back to emergency on her weekend with the kids. Even after all the hell and drama she's put us through, I truly feel bad for her. I don't want her to be sick (more for selfish reasons, but I don't like hearing about anyone suffering, dealing with health issues. It's so frustrating!!! When I get frustrated with the kids being stuck with me on the weekend, it makes me feel bad about my feelings of frustration!! It's something that can't be helped. It's not like BM can help being sick. It's not like FDH can help needing to put in extra hours until my Employment Insurance kicks in. It's just the way it is, but I still NEED a break away from these little people!! I don't know what we can do to get a break
So, now, I just lock myself in my room at night with my computer and glass of wine and pray that BM gets better!!!
After everything you just
After everything you just wrote you really think she will exercise her visitation? She is sick, unstable, constantly moving, someone is in and out of jail, and you think the kids should go visit her?
I raised my step kids. 365 days a year, 24/7 for going on 18 years now. They are now in college. No breaks. No kid free weekends. BM was completely absent. I can't say what I do and don't regret but I will say that I am not sure I would do it over again.
If you need a break you will need to leave and find somewhere to go. I started taking vacations by myself and visiting my family by myself. I needed to for my sanity.
My advise remains the same.
My advise remains the same. Don't throw away more time on this. The ending is inevitable unless you consider yourself worthless.
"Then, when FDH was FOURTEEN
"Then, when FDH was FOURTEEN and she was 19, he knocked her up and that was the beginning of the end."
Did you really just say that?! He didn't knock her up, he was RAPED. I'm sorry for all you whose parents let you run around screwing at 12, 13, 14 years old, but that is just gross.
And then he had another kid with her two years later? When he was 16? So he is 27/8 with a 13 yr old and you don't understand why he is behaving this way? Because he was not parented. He has no clue what he's doing, and besides that he's an asshat.
Let me tell you where you went wrong. Ten years ago, when he was SEVENTEEN with TWO KIDS you got involved with him at all. Too bad you didn't have steptalk then because you would have gotten some sense knocked into you. SMH...
Try not to bust her balls too
Try not to bust her balls too hard. Most of us are here due to ignored red flags.