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riddle me this

queenofthedamned's picture

Where does BM's $$ go?

1. She gets the skids every other weekend, except summer, when custody is 50/50

2. She pays no CS, and nothing towards the maintenance of the skids. FDH buys ALL of their clothes, shoes, winter gear, etc.

3. She gets $500/mo in food stamps for kids she hardly ever sees.

4. She has NO credit card debt because FDH took it all on in the divorce just to be rid of her.

5. She has no student loan debt because, well, she's too much of a moron to go to school beyond high school.

6. She has no car loan - FDH GAVE her a vehicle in the divorce, which she promptly sold. She's been driving her boyfriend's mom's car for TWO YEARS while trying to save for her own vehicle.

7. She lives with her boyfriend in a house that is paid for.


Lately she's been sending FDH "poor me" texts and talking about how shitty her finances are. And all I can do is wonder where the money from her full time job goes since she contributes shit to the skids, and I laugh because she ridiculed him for years for being obsessed with money when she would never grow the ovaries to go out and get a job to support her own spawn.

WTF woman? Get it together and stop pissing your $$ away, because like it or not, your kids are not mine anD I will not work my ass off to better myself and then spend it all on kids who aren't mine. NOT GONNA HAPPEN BITCH.

Ahh rant over.


queenofthedamned's picture

For real dtzy. I wish he would, but they've been getting along lately with regards to skid1 especially so I think he's reluctant to rock the boat.

But seriously her BF needs to solve this shit, or her, not FDH.

queenofthedamned's picture

Oh she does cry to the skids. We hear all the time how FDH needs to buy this or that because she can't afford it.

I reiterate: not my problem, and I'm not spending my hard earned money on their wishes.

theoutsider's picture

Do WE have the Same BM????

1. She pays NOTHING in CS, medical bills for the kids, school supplies

2. FDH has primary custody, She ONLY has to pay for their food, EOWE during school and EOW during the summer.

3. FDH PAID CASH for her to go to community college(right before she left him), so NO Student Loan debt

4. She works FULL TIME as an assistant manager at a funeral home. Her boyfriend is a firefighter, FULL TIME.

5. She STILL gets to claim 2 out of 3 kids EVERY OTHER YEAR!!

6. The kids JUST got bunkbeds after 6 years! 2 beds for 3 kids

7. She lives in a rented trailer!

8. And YES, she is one of the drains on the economy! Two FULL time incomes, and she is on food stamps!!!

So tell me where all the money goes?!!!???

She has told the kids before that "Ask your dad to buy you that, I don't have money coming out of my ass like he does!"

queenofthedamned's picture

'She has told the kids before that "Ask your dad to buy you that, I don't have money coming out of my ass like he does!"'

WTF is wrong with these women? Our lovely BM has actually said "Ask dad and queen - they make good money, so they can buy it for you."

Umm really?!? They didn't drop from my crotch so don't expect me to pay for shit for them, aside from the household bills and groceries. No shoes, no clothes, no toys, no gadgets - not my kids, not my problem.

tryingmom's picture

It just boggles the mind that these BM's can tell their kids to go ask your Dad for your needs and never think that they should belly up and provide for their kids.

BM tells the skids all the time that DH and I have two incomes and make lots more money than their household, so we should be the ones providing for them. Ummm, DH pays a significant amount of CS, why can't she actually use that money on the skids. It isn't for supporting HER life, but to contribute to the skids' needs. SMDH.