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I actually feel bad for my skids....

queenofthedamned's picture

.... little assholes though they may be.

After BM made promises of the moon and the stars to them for Christmas, and much talk of her "promotion" and "huge raise," what did she actually get them for Christmas?

Zilch. Zero. Nada.

I am all for teaching kids that spending time with family is the most important thing during the holiday season, but to build up their expectations so high while doing nothing for them was downright cruel. To top it off, Twuntzilla bought gifts for other people and thought nothing of wrapping them in front the skids.

To them, though, she still hung the moon.

Oh, and skid2 gets the shaft always, because he is a mostly nice kid who doesn't beg for things and nag other people to spend money on him (unlike his brother). BM's boyfriend's mom bought the skids gift cards for Christmas. $75 for skid1, and $25 for skid2. That just seems so unfair to me.

A brief update to my last blog re: skids treating me like I was invisible: I talked to DH and he was LIVID, at himself for not noticing, and them for acting like assholes. He lit into them, they both wished me Merry Christmas, and things are a bit warmer around here. Progress is good.


WTF...REALLY's picture


And wrapping gifts for others in front of them?????

and different money amounts. Wow - what mean people!

queenofthedamned's picture

Skid1 is 13, skid2 10.5. So there is an age difference but I don't think it justifies such a blatant difference. Skid2 gets shafted all the time.

fedupskiddad's picture

My dad and step mom got my Mcfatty and mccrybaby 25 dollar gift cards and my mon and step dad gave them each 80 in cash. Not one merry Christmas or thank you to them from the twat droppings.

ItHasGottenBetter's picture

My BM didn't buy anything for her kids, bag with body wash, shampoo, toothpaste.

My family does more for skids than both of their bio families. Makes me very resentful but it is what my family does, even though I have told them to not worry about it.

My Mom, bro and sis gave both SS money. YSS, who is on a pass from juvie until he is placed in a high level psyche center, spent $75 bucks on pizza and food for BM and BMs sisters family....Remember, they gave him nothing.

I texted my family to tell them how their money was spent, and it won't happen next year.

Yes, the money was for the kids with no string attached...but why should my generous, hard working family pay for BM and Aunts Christmas dinner when they all leech off of the taxpayers to begin with.

Also, YSS called DSO at 4pm on Friday and asked him to give him more money. Spent all his money in 48 hours.

momandmore's picture

That's horrible I feel bad for them too! I see the issue with the money difference especially if he is always treated differently. At2yo even though he doesn't understand the concept of money, he still could have picked some toys out or something.

BM2 did this last year she told them everything she got them and she did show up with a few gifts.. It was stuff that already belonged to SDs.