Sigh. One of those flights. A kid with their feet up my butt!
Keep your spawn under control, or keep them at home.
If you have not trained them for public interface, expect the grumpy old guy they at kicking in the butt to train them immediately loudly and repeatedly.
Thank you for listening to this PSA.
I'd pay good money to watch
I'd pay good money to watch that
I have been fortunate enough never to have been subjected to that (other than the class of schoolkids who thought it was funny, when we hit turbulence, to shriek "we're all going to DIIIIIEEEE! AAAARRRGGHH!" and it was in a small plane) and my two were always kept on a very short leash.
And now… it has added dirty drawers to the mix.
Stench and irritation.
They are having to recalculate the take off parameters due to high temps. So we are 20mins and countin late for take off, Better safe than swimming in the Pacific.
But more time with the stanky irritating kid.
And….. Bags have been removed from the plane.
Too heavy to take off in the heat. Not enough lift due to less air density.
Will our bags make it? That is the question.
We used to fly out to CA
We used to fly out to CA regularly when I was a child and one of my first memories is of my mom sternly telling me NOT to hit the seat in front of me with my feet. Parents don't parent anymore.
It's scary how many kids and
It's scary how many kids and also adults live and act like animals. This generation of "parents" were not parented themselves. I saw a video of a bunch of women brawling on a crowded plane.
OMG brings back memories of
OMG brings back memories of one flight we were on with the SDs, years ago. The kid in the window seat in front of YSD, about the same age as her 8-9 yo, kept shutting/opening HER window shade. She told him to stop it but he kept on. Mom next to him ignored him. So the next time I myself told him, "Leave her shade alone, now." He did! His mom though asked me to please not correct her kid, but ask HER to have him stop. WTF? No. Kids need real world ramifications. It's not like I swore at him or yelled at him, I just used my firm teacher voice. And I'd do it again.
My sister told me something about someone correcting my niece somewhere and she was all POd at the person for not asking her. I said to her, you are in public, and she was doing something wrong that effected that person, she was corrected. Deal with it.
And.... as we were taxi-ing for take off the plan threw a fault.
Back to the gate.
"We will be deplaning all passengers starting at the front of the aircraft. Take all of your belongings with you as you deplane."
This message was repeated at least two more times.
Some loudmouth behind me got his skivies in a twist. Bitching and whining about the pilots not finding the problem early, bitch, moan, bitch, moan, ....... He and his wife got up and started barging their way to the front while he continued to rant. I told him that no one wanted to hear him bitch and whine. I reminded them that we had all been told to deplane front to back. The DW got all offended at how I spoke to her husband. I reminded her that I was speaking to her as well and they were both failing to comply with flight crew instructions which was a federal offense.
One of the flight attendants was giving me the hairy eyeball. Not addressing those violating the directive given. So, lesson learned for me. Do not be the one to respond. Next time, I hit the button and point it out to the crew member instead of saying a word directly to the people perpetrating the problem.
As everyone waited at the gate... the crew made an announcement that a number of passengers had failed to remove their carryone luggage when they deplaned. Guess who was among them?
Now... we are rescheduled from our original departure time of 07:00 this AM to 02:25 Sunday AM.
Hopefully, I get new people behind me and the stinky diaper seat kicker squad has found a different route.
And... we have a new itenerary.
Initially we were flying LV-Maui-Kauai
The mechanical problem blew up that itenerary. They got the initial flight re-scheduled from 07:00 this morning to 02:25 tomorrow morning. It took half a day for them to figure out how to get us from Maui to Kauai. While they were working a solution, the best option dropped because the customer service rep did not lock the seats. So... now we go Maui-Honalulu-Kaui arriving around 09:00 Sunday AM. The temperature delays and mechanical break down cost us about 14 hrs of vacation time.. At least we have a solution in place.
Most importanly, we still spent the day together.
But, it would be great if we can execute the revised itenerary without issue. My DW is starting to wax into victim mode that the universe is being unkind to us.
While I recognize her perspective and have dealt with a few gut punches myself on the job front and the delays on this trip. As a default optimist I see that our good decisions, financial reasonableness, and problem solving capability are working out well for us. No risk to our financial security, making our life together, and .... getting this reasonably extended visit from the kid.
Off to the airport in another 3hrs.
Wish us luck.
My DW. Did really try to control her kids
That hitting the back of driver seat in the car, brings back memories, She would tell the kids to stop it, move then in the car ect. But. The big But. I would get the old. Kids are kids. Joe down the block let's his kid kick his seat. Better still. Everyone in the world let's there kids do it. Yes the P.D.S.T. of step life,
We don't enjoy a car rides, I can't wait until it's over, drove 20 hours to Disney and back. But I just don't like kids.
No alohahahahas
Im so jellly. I love Kauai.