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sick of babying

alwayslast1978's picture

My step son is turning 10 this week.  He requires a 45 minute bed time which I dont agree with put I pick my battles.  Half the time, he calls him.back in.  We will be having a conversation and I hear "mom!" from the other room.  She goes in and he gets another 5-10 minutes.  I cant stand how babied this kid is.  I try to tell my wife he is going to be in middle school and 2 years and this stuff really needs to stop.  I teach at the middle school he will be going to.  She tells him not to call her but he keeps doing it and she keeps going.  So frustrated.

Harry's picture

All you can do,  is tell DW to get SS in line.  what's the bed time for a close to middle school kid?  Maybe making his bed time later would be a compromise 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Idk it kinda sounds like she wants to keep him her little baby forever. Some parents can't let go. ETA maybe some hope is that SS will see how babyfied he is and rebel against it when he gets a few years older.

alwayslast1978's picture

I have never seen a kid who wants to be babied more in my life.  He is so pathetic.

MorningMia's picture

Can you all distract him? Like Harry said, can he go to bed later (and do something to wear himself out beforehand), go to bed with...gasp...a tablet (ok, ok, or a book)? Is he scared of the dark? If so, can you all arrange for more light in his room?