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Should I report BM for benefit fraud?

FluffyUnicorn's picture

I have a generally pleasant stepdaughter who is 5. I have been her SM for 3 years and am very happy in my relationship with her father and we are expecting my first child in December.
My SD's mum is an absolute nightmare in every way (like many of the others i have read about on here!). In the 3 years I have been with my SO, BM has had at least 5 different boyfriends, the latest one has recently moved in with her.
Strangely, BM told my SO approx 4 weeks ago that she and her BF had split up due to him having bailiffs turn up on her doorstep chasing him for money. In those 4 weeks since they 'split up' he has not moved out, they still have cosy 'family' days out, she still leaves him in charge of the household.... It all seems very strange to me. Nothing has changed.
Until my sister said something and I think she might have a point. We think she has just claimed they have split up (and he is living there 'until he finds somewhere else to live') to avoid her losing some of her single persons benefit that she claims. I have often wondered in the past if the £200 a month that my SO pays into her bank account is accounted for through the benefits system also, of if she simply fails to declare this.
I love my SD but I sincerely do not like her nasty mother, who constantly berates my SO and tells him what an awful rubbish dad he is (he is not, he loves his daughter to pieces and has the moral fibre of a saint), then forgets to put the poor child in underwear, or lets her eat cake and a bottle of coke for breakfast.
Anyway, I would like some advice from you wonderful people, do I report her for suspected fraud or do I just leave it. And let her have her 52" inch TV, designer sofas and all the other crap she claims she is too poor to buy. While the rest of us law abiding people make do with the dribs and drabs we actually can afford?

FluffyUnicorn's picture

This is my problem, I am unsure. On one hand I think no, just mind my own business and get on with things but on the other hand, if she is claiming benefits and isn't entitled to it then how is that fair?
Ooooohh, its a bit of a moral dilemma this one!

twoviewpoints's picture

Before you report her you may want to check out the benefit laws where you live. In the USA a mother with five different boyfriends over three years (even with a couple having actually lived with her) would not classify as her not still being a single mom.

Here things like food assistance is by household income (meaning all adults in home's wages) but assisted healthcare (our Medicaid system for lower income)would not go by anyone's wages in the household other than the mother. And if say the father was able and had healthcare offered through his employment the state would go after the father to supply that. Any live-in boyfriend is not responsible for his girlfriend's children unless of course they are boyfriend's bio-children. Your CS payment should be being applied toward's BM's income, but the amount you state is not all that much and may still qualify the BM for some assistance in benefits.

If it turns out she's milking the system, by all means report her. I have no tolerance for people who abuse a system meant to help those who are truly in need of assistance. Reminds me of leeches sucking the system dry and raising cost for everyone else.

FluffyUnicorn's picture

Thanks everyone, That's been really helpful.
In reply to outtahere my SO literally draws the £200 out every payday and pays it into her bank account, so it doesn't go through csa or court or any organised route. Luckily I have made sure he has kept the paying in receipts for the last 3 years to prove he has paid money in every month!! It is a bit of a worry really but at least if she claims he never paid her he has some proof!

I just feel that anyone who abuses a system that is meant to help those less fortunate do not deserve the help! There are so many people out there who need the support money from different types of benefits, and I don't think anyone has the right to abuse the system. In my mind it is stealing and I don't agree with it!

Thanks again everyone.

sbm014's picture

We suspected BM was either filing for or getting SSI claiming injury and that she can't work even though she hasn't even put enough time to get SS and is working user the table - I reported her anonymously and figured if what we was hearing wasn't true that was 5 min of my time, and if it was maybe we could put a stop to it to show SS the right way to live and not to just mooch off of everyone (she lives in HUD housing, off child support, semi working under the table, and with all the furniture from her and DHs house she made get foreclosed because she didn't want the bad reminders - yet she sleeps in what used to be THEIR bed)