Seriously, what's the point?
DH is domiciliary parent of SS5. BM is a total b word. But is also a coward and a sneak! She's a badass on a text but in person she's a freaking tit sac. SS is like my own. I've been more of a mom to him in 2 yrs than BM has in 5. Let me also mention she walked out on both DH and SS when SS was 2 and was gone for a yr before having reg visitation.
After a brutal court battle this summer we finally have SS full time with BM every other wkd visitation. BM was the one that filed for custody, btw. After losing she became an even more bitter bitch. We have tried so hard to work with her, give her extra visitation, etc. In return she is so spiteful and inconsiderate. She's always late to pick him up or bring him back, like at LEAST 30 min. Last time she was an hour and 15 min late. Anytime we call to talk to him she doesn't answer. It's just a nightmare. My thing is, the judge told DH to be flexible and not abuse his power. DH has ALWAYS been flexible but moreso since court. But judge also said to communicate, work together, allow each parent to contact the child when he is at the others house. She does NONE of what she is supposed to do. And she seriously spends way too much time trying to make things difficult for us.
I'm so ready to give up! I'm tired of us doing everything we can to make things easier on her when she does nothing but make us miserable in return.