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Is this right

hbell0428's picture

I am new to the whole disengaging thing; I have been letting dad handle it all; he gets kind of pissy because I am not acting like her "mom" but.......I'm not. I am not being rude; I still ask her how her day was and stuff like that.
But I don't get bothered (or at least act like it) when I go to bed and they stay up and watch TV or catch up on the gossip - (SD13) DAD31....LOL
Anyway; so when dad, brother and I are sitting in lroom and she comes in 2x's and asks questions that start with DAD or Brother......I just look the other way; these games are so silly. You know both times I had the answers but I am just not going to fall for it anymore. I used to get mad when she would just walk right by me or address ALL her comments to DAddy.....not ne more!!
Is this how it goes; just do my own thing; kind of feels good; I have been missing out over the past 11 years...........