Random thoughts....I'm a hated step monster
Yall, thanks so much for venting here and helping me realize I'm not alone in this hell!!
I'm not a child stealer, I just married a man I love, who I didn't steal. I have 4 of my own children, why the hell would I want to take bms and raise them as my own. I usually despise holidays because his kids have no respect. 1 out of 3 is a nice kid.
Now bm2 is adding sd from bm1 to facebook and all my husbands family, and my cousins. I just hate her being up my butt all the time. I mean, its been 10 years lady, put down the stick you use to stir your crap pott with.
I would like to say, if someone is being loving and kind to your kid.....freakin appreciate it and don't teach them to hate people.
My BM2 has SD13 from BM1 as a
My BM2 has SD13 from BM1 as a friend. It annoys me sometimes but she was her SM first so I try to just ignore it. They barely talk on there anyway. BM2 is only online during the day while SD13 is at school...and she gets offline and goes home and then SD13 gets online after school. So, they barely if ever get to talk....its just a bit annoying seeming them "friends". BM2 also added two of DH's neices. Yeah it buggs me a bit. So...in return I added BM#2's sister and DH under the vise that I thought they might like to see pics I added of SD. LOL I'm sure that bugs her but what can she do?
Plus I list both of my SD's as my children...so I'm sure she loves seeing her XSD and her BD listed as MY children. hehe. Kill um with kindness. Its what I do. It's my gift.
FB: Ignorance = bliss
Yikes, I'm wife #3. Because I'm a very private person, especially online (had a mentally ill stalker years ago), and I am also one of my firm's FB administrators, I NEVVVVER accepted SS's FB friend request- with his BM it would have been a nightmare. BM1 is a decent lady (amicable divorce, hubby paid her CS without going thru CS services or court, her adult kids with DH are good people, etc.) and BM1 has always been good to SS17, so I am grateful since his BM (BM2) is an unhinged manic-depressive narcissist who would love her some FB drama. Discovering StepTalk has only confirmed it was an excellent decision to never connect with ANY of DH's family so I never have to be exposed to any b.s. BM2 brings there. Also, I don't have to see SS17's FB stoner photos (which I cringe knowing exist as SS17 needs to get a job).