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Raging tonight

Lowell473's picture

Skids haven't been down in a month and this is a pattern BM has been following for 2 years. She ignores her court order of bringing them every other weekend. There's always an excuse and DH NEVER stands up to her or his kids. Their favorite excuse this week is we have school projects to work on. This is the only time the 15 YO claims to do homework. She's failing all her classes. It's only when it's convenient to skip a trip to her father's. Meanwhile the 12 YO can't text happy birthday but whines because she's out of data. That's the only time she bothers to contact us. I'm ready to turn their room into a home office. Why won't Do stand up to them?

Acratopotes's picture

count your blessing they don't come over lol, stay out of this fight,

I swear if I was ever in this situation, I never would've supported my husband to fight for his time with his children, the less they came over the more I would enjoy it

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Acra is correct: stay out of this fight. Visitation is for the skids to see their dad. If your DH doesn't want to fight to see his children, that's on him.

CLove's picture

Yeah, This is one fight you wont win. IF your DH wont fight to see skids, then let him bear the consequences. This isnt your fight, just enjoy the YOU time.

I waited 4 months, while Winona SD18 had appeared to find another place to live. All her stuff was in the room, untouched. All the trash and gobbeldeegook. Its almost 5 months now. SHe hasnt told us where she is, and we dont pry. She hasnt officially moved out, she simply doesnt stay here at all. For your situation, I would wait though, because they are still of the age, where DH has some custody obligations.

I waited, and then all of a sudden BAM. Possessed by the cleaning faeries, I cleared out 6 bags of trash and turned Winona's EX room into a lovely space, where I can work at computer, where Munchkin can draw. I have my plants and my fish tank and all is clean and smells good.

Totheend12345's picture

I feel you, DH always seems to get turned into a piggy bank or that magic genie SK's can leave in the bottle until they need something.

Make your office, take your space. No reason to have a place SK's who don't care enough to even try.

Hey atleast enjoy the time with out them they sound awful...

Jzell67's picture

LOL... Funny stuff...

I know it's annoying as you can see the bs and how they think they are pulling the wool over DH's eyes.

If he's not bothered, don't be. But be prepared for getting the blame when they guilt your DH into paying bills as he 'wasn't around' when they where young.