O/T (kinda) How many keep sh*t bottled up???
How many of us keep sh*t bottled up until the burden becomes too much and we go off????
I find myself biting my tongue frequently but, wishing I had opened my mouth sooner. What's the worst that can happen???
Good grief. Divorce?
Good grief. Divorce? Suicide???? I can't imagine. I sometimes have visions of cutting off an appendage or putting the SK's in their place with the truth. I would never consider suicide. I know that SP-ing is an artform but, the day either of them make me consider losing my life.... is the day I say goodbye to all the drama and reclaim myself.
I am guilty of keeping things
I am guilty of keeping things bottled up if they are just irritating, trivial little things that don't seem to bother anyone but me and it isn't going to make a difference if I say something or not...but if something is serious I do talk about it. I hate conflict at all costs but serious things that really impact my life or someone elses I make my feelings known.
I agree. I bottle things big
I agree. I bottle things big time. I am trying to change that but DH has had so long of not having to deal with my feelings that it's not going well and causing all sorts of issues and fights for us. *sigh*
But I will definitely choose divorce before I choose suicide.
FDH's past marriage was so
FDH's past marriage was so full of drama that I find myself not wanting to repeat that performance with him. He hasn't always had the best of reactions to my making suggestions so I keep things bottled up until they spill over (usually in to a huge arguement that has nothing to do with the the situation at hand) so I guess my keeping things bottled up backfires and causes the very drama that I'm trying to avoid. Good grief, dealing with psychologically damaged men w/kids is impossible sometimes. :?