O/T House of Cards w00t w00t!!
Welp, it looks like my marriage might be over (see my blog) H says no one is talking about divorce but I'm DONE with being a doormat.
This weekend is visitation and I fully intend on investing my emotions in House of Cards instead of whatever goes on in this house. Who's with me?
Awful weekend ahead for me,
Awful weekend ahead for me, but my plan is to spend Sunday watching at least two episodes. Hubby says he is not power watching it like we did last time. His cap is two episodes. I plan to go back and watch last episode of Season 2 on Saturday...
I went back and read your
I went back and read your last blog. There is no need to completely lose faith in marriage. I am a firm believer in the do over. When the wrong spouse is picked and the situation will no longer work then learn from it and move on to a better place.
I find that the next partner will have all of the good things of all of the past partners plus a few great things of their own. We are all a sum of our experiences when it comes to relationships. Eventually we get to the place were we can be happy and healthy in a relationship. Some of us take a few more innings to get there than others.
My first marriage was a disaster. My XW was an adulterous skank and I was too naïve to see it. Fortunately she ran off with her geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar daddy/baby daddy and filed for divorce. That gave me the opportunity for my do-over as I would likely not have divorced her.
So I did get a do-over and my amazing bride of 20+ years and I got the chance of a life together. We raised SS-22 together as equity life partners and equity parents and are having an amazing life adventure together.
Take care of yourself however your situation turns out.