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O/T - Another Flood???!!

skylarksms's picture

Even though we still have snow on the ground (just got another 9 inches a couple days ago), sounds like they are forecasting ANOTHER major flood for our area.

This will be the THIRD year in a row of major flooding. I know last year they evacuated the downtown area of the city across the river because they were afraid the levees were going to break. I hope it's not as bad this year.

Our house is about a half a block from the river, but we should be ok as long as the levees hold. If they don't, our furnace in the crawl space would get ruined but I think our main level would be fine so we would still be better than most in our area.

The good thing is, we are getting better every year at fighting floods since we have a lot of practice! They already have a million sandbags filled and are trying to get 3 million before March 19.

I just have to keep saying, we don't get earthquakes, we don't get wildfires, we don't get hurricanes, our crime rate is very low...we just have horrible winters and flooding in the springtime! Smile

caya506's picture

I hope they hold out for you!

SO and I live near the MN river valley. Thankfully just outside of it and not in it! Last fall when we had all that rain the main highways north, south and east were all flooded and closed for a few days and a part of one highway washed out. Getting to work or up to the cities was a pain in the butt! I can't imagine what this spring is going to be like.

That is my thoughts too; we may have crappy winters, but not much else to worry about Smile

skylarksms's picture

We are in the Red River Valley. Used to be the bottom of Lake Agassiz way back when. Smart people to build on the riverbanks here!!

I remember hearing about that flooding that was so bad between the Cities and Rochester because we had just been to Rochester and went through many of those small communities that were hit so hard.

I was hoping that the thaw/freeze cycle we were going through would help but not when you continue to add to the snowpack!

Yeah, I guess I should be happy that it is not a "flash" flood. People have been talking about this flood since before Christmas!

caya506's picture

That can be a nasty area for spring time flooding.

SO's parents live in the Red River Valley in North Western MN, about a mile from the Red River. They have a dike around their property but it has still gotten a little scary these past few years.

caya506's picture

Oh the detours are a headache. I've got to go from St. Peter to Mankato and when the highways get flooded there's really only two ways to get to Mankato from that area. Of course everyone picks the route that is least out of the way and it gets sooo congested with stop and go traffic. What a nightmare.