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No Soap, really?!

Dogmom1321's picture

DH has to constantly remind SD10 to take a shower. It is always accompanied with, "Why?" "But I showered yesterday?" "Can I do it later?" etc. I overhead DH was facing the same thing yesterday... 

SD10 then whined :"But I don't have any towelsssss"

DH: "Okay, I'll go grab you one from the linen closet. *grabs clean towel and puts in SD bathroom*" (she has her own bathroom upstairs, and no one else really ever uses it)

DH: "Where is all of your soap and hair products?" *proceeds to look in cabinets since not in the shower* DH finds EMPTY bottles, probably 6 or 7, of body wash, shampoo and conditioner. Empty containers just SHOVED in the cabinets when SD should have actually cleaned it

DH to SD: "How long have you not been using soap?" "Why did you not say anything about being out of LITERALLY everything?"

SD: "I just forgot"

DH when he comes downstairs to me: OMFG


I mean seriously, G R O S S. She has been at our house for TWO WEEKS. And more than likely hasn't properly bathed. No, SD just didn't "forget" she is L A Z Y. Who is so lazy that they can't be bothered with basic hygeine??? And SO lazy that they will just lie about it instead of taking a 2 minute shower??? We were both repulsed. 

tog redux's picture

This is actually not uncommon in preteens - especially if their parents don't care about it. Sounds like your DH does, but does BM?

Cover1W's picture

My YSD will do this at age 14.5. She uses all the soap and there's none in there until maybe DH notices. She has more soap in the cabinet. I think she just uses shampoo instead, but who knows. She also uses LOADS of conditioner. She'll run out of conditioner before shampoo. *Shrug*

I just let DH deal with it. She also hoards wrapping. She has old toothbrush packaging,  soap packaging, empty liquid soap containers, etc. Shoved away. Again, not my deal. DH has to clean it again soon. Because the horror of telling your daughter to clean up is insurmountable.

Momof6WI's picture

Sounds like my SD11! I don't know if it's an age thing- my BS13 has never had to be told to take a shower, or to use soap lol. But SD11 is extremely dirty and lazy and she would go all week without washing herself if you don't say anything. DH took all electronics away from her (again) because her room was an absolute nightmare. Like literally disgusting. She has a different BM then my ss's and supposedly her house is a pigsty.  I've always been overly neat and clean so this has been a problem for me. I let her dad deal with the cleanliness issues, I just shut her door and thank god that she not my child lmao. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Thank you! Glad to hear your BS13 is normal. Lol, I just have a really hard time believing all pre-teens/teens are like this. When DH and I have a kid, having good hygeine will be a NON-negotiable! 

Someoneelse's picture

As gross as it is, many teens/ preteens do act like this... not all, but many... SD will go days without getting in the shower, and she's a greasy person, her hair gets greasy and her roots will be slicked to her head.  Her skin is oily and shiny with tons of black beads, but won't bother to shower or wash her face... but i have since disengaged and could care less about her hygiene, or lack thereof

Losingit321's picture

Caught mine not using it at one point too.  I though- give up.  I no longer even mention if she hasn't showered because this usually turns into me "complaining about her" even though DH gets so mad about it.  

As gross as it is ... the only thing we can do for our own sake is disengage from it.  I mean at one point a couple years back DH was called to the school and her hygeine was gone over.  I am thankful she has gotten a bit better about it but not 100!