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ks1's picture

Hello all,

I'm in my late 20's and I am happy to come to this site. I think it is safe to say you cannot really chose who you fall in love with. And I feel deeply in love with a woman who does not want anymore children (she already has one, who is not mine).

I am in a place, after almost 3 years of dating, that we feel as if we settled on spending the rest of our lives with each other and about 6 months ago, I asked her if she wanted to have children. I felt things were mixed on the issue of us having kids, but I was informed that I seriously misread what she said in the past that seemed like she wanted children.

Since then, things have been up and down. She got very upset after I started to get upset about her response to the children question, I felt that there was something in her that wanted children from vague things she said before, and assumed after some conversations, we would agree to have children like I assumed she wanted to all along, then work on figuring out how to do that. I thought just had to keep unpacking it with her since I knew she was somewhat confused on the topic from previous conversations. This eventually turned into serious fighting.

After I realized she truly didn't want children, biological (or adopted), I tried to accept it and tried to turn the whole thing into a romantic gesture because to me having children was something I thought was always in the background in our relationship and was romantic. I tried to talk to her about how I wanted children with her, specifically, and I did. My ideas about it were induced by her. Yet, this didn't at all illicit a similar romantic response in her. Instead, she was offended that I felt the only way we could be romantic/the only way I could love her is if she had children with me.

So then I backed off from trying to get something romantic out of that with her, to heal us a bit, and find someway to be stronger after, I tried to somehow transform the child thing into something else. So, I tried to have conversations about how we could work towards other things together other than children, some large milestones, and this also offended her (she felt I should just revel in what we had, we just bought a house together, for example, but I still cannot make a house some grand romantic gesture because owning property is just that, owning property).

Throughout all of this, there was nothing that I could say that would make her believe the truth, that I wanted children only because of her and that she gave rise to the idea of my wanting to have children (I honestly felt that wasn't in the cards for me until I fell in love with her). Instead, most conversations about this still turn into "well if you want children you should break up with me and go find someone else". I even showed her websites where psychologists say this doesn't need to be the response to one partner wanting children and other not, those websites eventually lead me here. This hasn't at all made the conversations, ones I almost stopped having because they go south and we never come to some loving conclusions, go to some loving healed place.

And, to this day, I feel there is a rift between my partner and I. I think our romantic life has changed because I acted fairly emotional throughout the child conversations in a way that showed a side of me that was embarrassing. And since these conversations, our romantic discourse has changed. We used to play a lot with the idea of having a children, even if I now realize she was simply playing, but I liked it and would like that to continue, but now she is uncomfortable. In short, it has made our intimate lives something different and I feel sometimes as if I am now just a toy and not a partner? It's a confusing feeling and it makes me uncomfortable, but I just can't shake it and I dont know who to talk to about it.

I wrote a lot here, but I need a place to vent and I would like to bond with many of you and share similar experiences. I'm still so lost on the children question... I love this person I am with and her child, but I am younger than her and really when I asked her about children was around the time we could still have a child together. I am also adopted and feel really weirdly about adoption, so weird it makes people who not adopted uncomfortable when I want to spend a lot of time going over the pros and cons of it. And that seems to make my partner uncomfortable, but I ultimately think, for me personally, I would have preferred to have a biological child.

There is also the issue of her child, who I also love. I am however not her father and never will be. And my uneasiness about the abnormality of coming into their life late (they are in their mid teens and I only have been in their life for 3 years) and how I am really not going to ever be seen as anything approximating a father and what that means later when the child has a graduation, a wedding, etc. I also feel really uncomfortable trying to get out of this child the familial feelings I want in life. It is not this child's responsibility to make me feel like their father, but then after I accept that, I still feel like I don't have a place and I want a place. Any conversation with my wife about it leads to them not really understanding my uneasiness about this. My wife also tries to make me feel as if I am close to being a father like figure for their child, but I think that is really inappropriate because, again, I am not the child's actual parent.

Again, I am just very lost and I hope I can start a dialogue with people here if anyone has anytime to respond to my lengthy text. I dont know if anyone has any advice or some similar experiences to share. And also, I will try to go into other forums and comment on things as well.


ks1's picture

I was a tad long in what I wrote. I have a lot of feeling about this and have no idea about how to communicate it succinctly. If anyone could help break it down with me who has some similar experiences, I think that way I could communicate better.

Just1question's picture

People change their hearts and minds sometimes when it comes to having children. Especially when you really love and care for someone. Not sure why your wife was offended when you expressed possibly wanting children with her (or at least exploring the idea) especially since she played around about the idea with you. When I met my DH, he had 2 kids already, but I made it clear that I want children of my own too. He also wanted kids with me, a “second chance” as a full-time family for him. Sometimes when the SK are being crazy he’s like, “ maybe we shouldn’t have kids” lol but we both know where we stand. I think it’s difficult when one’s mind changes. Perhaps your wife feels you aren’t respecting her desire to not have any more by changing your mind. Did she have a bad pregnancy/labor?

From one step parent to another, I feel that we can love and care for our SK greatly, but it’s just different to have one of your own. Just like I know my SK will never love me like they do their mom. They love me-yes, but the relationship is different. I have friends who married people with kids who didn’t want anymore, they basically had to adopt that mentality of no more kids.

Perhaps you can just work on showing her you care about her and that goes beyond her having your children and just ask her to keep an open mind about it in the future. I work in obstetrics and have seen women have children well into their late 30’s/early 40’s. So, just keep showing her love and who knows if she’ll change her mind. It’s not wrong of you to feel that way, but you have to also respect your guys’ original understanding of no kids. If that’s not something you think you can live with forever, then perhaps you should re-evaluate If you want to live your life never having children.

ks1's picture

Thanks so much for response!

Her and I had a very vague conversation about 6 months before I asked her if she wanted to have children? It was about how she felt the world was a very hard place now and she would feel bad bringing children into it? I never took this as a conversation where she explicitly stated that she didn't want children? But it was supposed to be her defining moment where she let me know that was no longer happening? I thought it was a longterm conversation about how the world is tough, but something we could talk about and maybe rationalize how we could bring more children into it? It essentially ended on that conclusion I thought, but I was very wrong? It ultimately hurt my feelings because it essentially said she doesn't trust that her and I could make a good place in this world for a child? But somehow she thinks we can for my SK? Now I am just confused and hurt.

I agree with what you're saying too about waiting. I just want her to be able to talk to me about replacing a child with some other backup milestone together, but I can't get her to do that? We are very aimless about what our future is going to be and it's frustrating. I think a child gives some form to the formlessness of the future? We currently just bought a house too together, but it is not filling me with the same feeling that children were giving me? Is it supposed to? I dont know.

Just1question's picture

It sounds to me that you have a strong desire to have a child, to bring a life into this world. I see what she means about the world being a tough place, but in reality-it’s ALWAYS been a tough place to live, from the dawn of time it’s been scary for I’m sure a majority of the population through the ages. The only difference is, people in the past didn’t have the media to highlight the terrible things. Anyhow, she never totally made herself clear and maybe that just left you a little confused on where she stands. But if she’s adamant about not wanting more children then you’re really going to have to evaluate what you want and maybe her words do hold some truth-that you’ll have to find someone else to have kids with. However, if for you it’s more about milestones then there are many moments and accomplishments you can share together. Bought a house, get an animal or animals, travel the world, volunteer at places, just start crossing the items off the bucket list. But you have to make peace with having no children and NOT hold it against her for the rest of your marriage if she decides she doesn’t want any. Have you seen the movie ‘Only The Brave’? The captain and his wife have a similar situation, it’s a good movie too-who knows, maybe it will speak to you in some way.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture


Sounds like you feel like you got the bait and switch deal. Why is she so again having children ?? Is her reason fair ?

Veritas's picture

Just piecing together what OP wrote, sounds as if his SO is late 30s or more, has an almost grown child and is getting beyond that part of her life while OP is young and wants to experience the birth of his own child....

ks1's picture

Her reason is mainly that the world is an awful place and that it would be wrong to bring in more children? She brought this up once kind of as a small talk conversation? I stated that I disagreed, she listened, and I thought maybe she agreed? But this is what she went to for her reason when I asked her about having children six months ago.

Just1question's picture

Does she only have one daughter? You state in one place as if there is only one child, but another as if there are multiple.

Thumper's picture

I have always respected everyone who for what ever their reason decided to have zero children OR two children OR 10 for that matter.

When 1 half of a couple prior to marriage, has a different idea about what they want their marriage and family to look like,, everything is ALL stop. Adults must agree on many things not HOPE they will. Having babies is huge.

K, since you want a child and your girlfriend does not want more...SHE can not expect you to settle, nor you should expect her to change her mind.

You are not her childs father. Not today, not yesterday and not 10 years from now. She has a bio father. EVEN if bio dad has since passed away, he still is her biological father.

Do not interfere with that. NOR bang your head against the wall because your girlfriends expects you to play daddy. YOU cant...not because you are not a nice guy. It has nothing to do with being nice. But it does have everything to do with biology.

Welcome to Step talk...GoodLuck

Thumper's picture

Your not married right?

I hope not...time to move on and find someone equally yoked.

ks1's picture

This would be hard because I do love this person and do not want to leave them. I just dont know how to resolve this tension this whole thing brought up. I have accepted that I need a little more time to figure out why I want children and if I can live without them, adopted or biological, but things are still tough.

fairyo's picture

I wrote a reply to your other post. If I can say having read a little more that you seem to be in a confused and unhappy place in your life. I think there may be more issues making you unhappy but you are focusing on this one and seeing a child as something that might in some way, alleviate some pain you are going through. I suggest you try some counselling to get to the bottom of this before you embark on the commitments of fatherhood. A child is a huge drain on your energies and resources- your SO has been through this and sees the negative aspects too that you don't. You really need to discuss this more than you seem to be doing, be honest and realistic about the fact that any child would be hers too. You both have to be sure.

Harry's picture

Believe her. She is not going to have a child that you want together.
You did not misread her. She did make it like she wanted chrildren. That so you did not cut and run early until she had time to reel you in.
She is playing a waiting game, waiting to a time where she is just to old to have chrildren. It really difficult after 45, so she only have 10 years to go.
You have to leave, and find some one who wants chrildren.
This will never work and all you will do get more upset. Hade children with first husband who she realty love. She doesn’t love you just using you.
Take it from some one in your place
So sorry

Ispofacto's picture

Pressuring someone into having a child when they don't want one is a very bad idea. If this is a dealbreaker for you, you need to move on.

Acratopotes's picture

You are not married, do not give up your dreams of bio children, if she decided against more children, then simply end it and move on...
you are in your 20's there's more then enough years left to meet some one new and have a couple of kids...

hey maybe we should bring in a dating link to this site, for posters on this this site, here's a couple of posters who are in the same boat as you, think their current partners is the alpha and omega and not happy cause they where lied to about bio children, maybe you will hit it off with one of them....

but think about it, it's not worth giving up your hopes and dreams, it will only make you bitter in 20 years time when it's too late to do something about