New to this and, to be honest, scared.......
Hey everyone, I've been reading this site pretty much all day.
My story...
I've been dating my now fiance' for 3 years. We got engaged in January. I am 40 and have no kids. Fiance' has 3 daughters from a previous marriage, ages 20, 19, and 14. He was married for 14 years, and has been divorced for 8. I love him very much, and know he is a good man. Before I met him, I had ZERO experience dating anyone with kids. The way I feel about my life now is pretty much Baptism by FIRE. I thought I had developed a good situation with his kids, and have met the exwife (we all sat down and had dinner together over the Christmas holidays). All signs were a go to me, I thought "Hey, this can be ok. We can all be adults and get along. This has been uncomfortable to me many times throughout--I have really no experience with divorce. My parents were not divorced. My parents supported each other. HOW DARE THEY NOT PREPARE ME FOR THIS? Ha--just kidding.
We got engaged in January. 5 days later, the girls showed up at their Dad's doorstep begging to live with him. He previously had every other weekend and one night per week visitation. Their BM had scared them--the girls said she had been staying up drinking all night, and wasn't caring for herself or for them. FI had no knowledge of this, and they admitted they had been covering for her for the past 6 months or so. She apparently blacked out, and they had had enough. FI talked about it with me, and we said "Of course." They tried to get help for their mom, but a few days later she denied having a problem. Within one week the girls went back to her house and the older 2 haven't talked to either one of us since. They are angry at their dad, because as I see it, their mom manipulated them into coming back in part by telling them their dad had an affair when they were married, and they blame him for her drinking problem. He had already told me about the affair, and I believe him when he says he felt horribly guilty about it. He told her on his own. I didn't take it well at first, as part of me was afraid that "once a cheater always a cheater" but after talking to him extensively about it, I believe he suffered great guilt over it (it was a one time thing, not an ongoing affair).
Anyway, since then, things have been pretty horrible. He told me she had an escalating drinking problem during their marriage, which in large part led to its ruin. She blamed him then, and he sort of bought it. He thought she seemed 100% better after their divorce.
Since January, she has made life miserable in so many ways--I think the woman is crazy. She is now accusing him of child abuse for grabbing one daughter by the arms to keep her from storming off about 4 years ago. I actually feel sorry for him, and have gotten a good glimpse of how noncustodial dad's are dealt a really tough hand. My dad slapped my face one time when I was 15 for being disrespectful. He was right--I was totally out of line. I learned a lesson. It's not like my dad abused me. He grabs one arm when one of the girls was really testing him and he gets sent to anger management classes or else his kids refuse to see him. The ex discredits him in front of the kids, acts like he is a crappy dad, and horrible human being. If I hadn't seen how this has all gone down, I would believe HER! But I've seen her craziness long enough to know she is making most of it up, and dramatizing the rest.
I don't want to make this a novel, but it just keeps escalating. So much drama. Now all they do is fight over the girls. Who is going to take whom to court for what. The EX blocked me from contacting her kids. The youngest one called me crying because she didnt know I was blocked and she didn't want me to be upset with her. BROKE MY HEART. We all texted each other when things were good, not like everyday--but just a couple of times to make weekend plans. One asked me to a ballgame, one wanted to know what time I got off work so we could make dinner plans--NOTHING excessive at all. I've reached out to them one time since January just to say I was thinking of them. They didn't respond. One wrote her dad an email of all the reasons she hated him. It's awful.
Truth is--GOOD GOD I don't need this. It really isn't my problem. I love my fiance' but feel I'm suffering because of all this garbage that has ZERO to do with me. I have no life drama. And I don't want to be obsessed with this. But I just don't know what to do. I am afraid of making mistakes. Probably already have. I called the EX because I am at wit's end with their inability to communicate and thought I could extend an olive branch and talk reasonably with her. She never called back, so i guess that's my answer. I am now horrified that she will somehow turn that into a statement that I am harrassing her. I never in one million years thought I was a person who would call someone's exwife to try to make things better, you know? But I did.
I hate this. And don't know what to do. I thought we could all work this out, but now feeling pretty hopeless. Thanks so much for reading if you made it to the end of this very long post! I've got so much frustration and anxiety built up over it. Advice welcome.
Thank you, Ripley. It has
Thank you, Ripley. It has been very difficult, and I feel like the rug was totally pulled out from under, and I landed squarely on my butt.
I just want to do the right thing, but not get so sucked in that it ruins my life. I want to marry him. I waited 40 years to meet someone like him, and don't want to give up. I'm just at a loss--what I should do, how I should behave, how to hold my poise when all I want to do is punch her, or lecture him for everything he doesn't see because he is too enmeshed and afraid how his kids are turning out, and/or risking losing them. Am I doing it wrong, being unhealthy for myself, walking the road of eventual misery, etc....The 2 older ones are both over 18, so I don't think there is much a court of law can do, but not 100% positive. I know I am not the girls' mom, but I had/have wanted them to always feel welcomed and loved--I want them to have a relationship with their Dad--he loves them. I just don't want to be made a doormat in the process--it's such a fine line to walk, and I feel I'm on a really steep learning curve, here. The EX was fine, just until the day she wasn't. Then she realllllllllly wasn't fine. She scares me.
Good news--the 2 older girls will see their dad in counseling this week. Hope this is the door opening for progress.
Oh, what is PAS?
Thank you so much for your insight.
Thank you SO much, Ripley.
Thank you SO much, Ripley. Thank you for the book recommendations--I will definitely read them. Just happy to know there is something out there to help!
Fi has been doing pretty well with this lately. He has definitely been standing up for me, and not throwing me under the bus with the BM or the kids. I did see some of the characteristics of the "Disney Dad" as you say, in the past. I didn't know what to call it, but it bothered me immensely that Fi allowed them to disrespect him just so they would stay and keep coming around. Thankfully, he was receptive of my thoughts about it, which were basically that I would NEVER be ok with them talking to me like that, and I wanted to make sure HE would deal with it, if and when it happened. And he is. Also, I think it helps that HIS parents are horrified about the situation, and do not like BM at all. They have been supportive of him standing up to everyone, too. They are unhappy with their Grandchildren's behavior toward Fi, and have stepped in a couple of times for him (BM wanted to bring the kids up to visit HIS family and stay for a week. Grandparents would love to see the kids but stopped her in her tracks, and said that Fi needed to bring them, not her).
Feeling a little better today. I think these are good signs. I'm still uncomfortable, and not used to families having to go through this. Off to find those books!!
Oohhhh are in a
Oohhhh are in a very tough position and so is your fiancee. dealing with crazy BM's is not something I would wish on anyone.
Listen at the end of the day your fiancee's girls are old enough to know the truth and should act accordingly. There is no need for all this crap that is going on and no need to go to court and spend more money for nothing.
I would tell these girls "we love you, we want you part of our lives..we are getting married and we are going to live a happy, wonderful stress free life together. If you want to be part of it great and if not then so be it".
Then your FI needs to tell his ex wife that he wants nothing to do with her..not now and not ever..she is not to call, text, email...nothing... these girls are old enough that your FI should never have to speak or see this woman again..
Honest to god that is what my DH and I have had to do and my SD is only 10..her BM made life hell for my SD as well as us and we had to take back control of our lives...and that is what we did..did we make the right choice..I dont know only time will tell..but in my case it's very difficult because my SD is so young..but if she was the age of your FI girls I would have no issue in laying down the law.
Hey at the end of the day..BM has no say and no room in your new life with your FI and his girls..period..he needs to tell her to F**K OFF.....
All the best...Z
I agree with Zoie, My dh and
I agree with Zoie, My dh and I had to deal with much of the same things you are. Everything was just great until it wasn't. The girls (14 and 16)and I had a good relationship until bm became jelous. She did and still does everything she can to make life hard. My dh had to get to the place where he cut off bm all together. He blocked her email, wont answer the phone when she calls etc... if it is an emergency she can leave a message. Not dealing with bm's drama has helped us out so much!! As far as the girls, the youngest still visits eow, we are starting to rebuild our relationship. The oldest daughter has been so hateful to us that dh told her that we love her but when she comes to our home she will treat us with respect or she can just stay with her mom. That is what she has chosen to do. I feel bad for dh, he has always been a great father to his girls.
If your your honey will cut bm out of his life, it will get better. It is not always easy, every other friday when dh goes to pick up daughter i am always nervous. I never know what bm will do next.... i love my husband, I focus on our relationship more then the issues with the girls. I have found that it is the best way to handle it.
Good luck!
Yes, that's the worst part of
Yes, that's the worst part of all of this. You have nothing to do with the reason or cause behind everything, yet you have to make the choice, deal with it, or lose your fiance. I've asked myself the question a billion times - would I rather walk away from all the drama and bitterness and emotionally draining issues, or forever lose the one I love? When it's really bad, it's a tough call sometimes.
This is a tough situation;
This is a tough situation; and it usually NEVER does have anything to do with us (SM'S) I have 1 DS14 and the stuff she causes in our home is CRAZY - 3 would probably kill me......sorry!! There will be a lot more to follow - I am not trying to scare you; but get your gear on!! The only advice I can give you is.....
Talk to you FH - make a good united front and don't back down. If you two are a team you can get through it but once they see how easy it is to "win" - its very hard to get me!! Good luck