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New to all this but i need help

Maries's picture

I have been with my man for over a year and I'm younger then him and his son is only a few years younger then me but the three of us get along great, its his ex wife causing issues. They were together for 13 years but there kids were from previous marriages, they just raised them together. They are still really close and still go out to dinner together, just the four of them. she hates me so I'm never invited and she still says very inappropriate things to him, he says there just friends but i don't think she knows that. we broke up for a month last year and she didn't even wait a day to ask to get back together. Me and my man always fight about her and he says I'm just insecure and wrong. i don't know what to do i love him but hate her.

Rags's picture


The solution to this IMHO is BE HAPPY! Go to dinner with them when your SO, his kid and BM go. Beam your happiness any time BM is around. One of two things will happen.

Either she will scurry away like most cockroaches do when they are exposed to the light.

Or ........

You will become a part of the extended family and reach at least a level of tolerance with BM.

Either way you are happier and better off than you are now. BM is your SO's past. You are his present and future. You don't want what she had. She can't have what you have.

You are in the driver's seat in this situation.

So drive.

Good luck and best regards,

epgr's picture

he goes out to dinner with his ex wife and they dont have kids together??
you are not insecure.. and saying your feelings are wrong makes him.. well, wrong!
wonder what he would say if you went out with your ex, just as friends.. even though he wants you back.. sometimes things are understood more when the shoe is on the other foot..

Maries's picture

I would go out with them but she won't let me cause its there 'family' time. She isn't even the bm she's the stepmon.i asked how he felt if i went out with an ex who stills wants me and he said he trusts me so he doesn't care. it makes me msn he chose to break up the family and get a divorce and she's only his ex step mom not bm

Maries's picture

I thought about the dinner idea but she hates me she won't even come to our house cause shed have to see my car. we all have the same friends and we have to ask before we go to a gathering to see if shes going cause she would make a huge scene and s fight if she saw me

Maries's picture

I thought about the dinner idea but she hates me she won't even come to our house cause shed have to see my car. we all have the same friends and we have to ask before we go to a gathering to see if shes going cause she would make a huge scene and s fight if she saw me