I'm a new step-parent and my step-son, who is 7 seems to hate me most of the time! His father and I have been together for a year and a half and have lived together for about five months. We has his son every other week for a whole week. His son lacks total respect for adults especially my family and myself. I have no experience with blended families I grew up with my parents and two siblings and my parents are high school sweethearts. I really can't get advice from my family because no one has experience.
A few examples are;
his father works for my parents who own a trucking company and i have my nursing degree just am currently not working to baby sit for my sister who is a new working mom (i get paid) and stay home with the step son. He says things to me like your lazy get a job. stop taking my dads money. ect.
i will ask him to clean up his bedroom because like a typical 7 year old is a mini tornado and he says. your not my mom you cant tell me what to do and walks away. ignores me when i ask him to do things and always rolls his eyes at me.
i know if he were my son i would be doing time outs and talking on his level and other things. i'm not a yeller and i would never ever lay my hands on my own children let a lone one who is not mine. but i really try to do right by him and i am i love with his father and i have so much love for him but he will not let me into his life. there are tons of other things i could go on and on but that is the main of it and i need help. PLEASE ADVICE!!!!!
The BM is definitely
The BM is definitely "something else" like when i expressed the importance of reading to the SS she told me that she didnt graduate high school and she turned out fine. Which is not the case she is is nut job straight up. I tired laying the law down and he cries and tell me he hates me and all sorts of lovely things. It honestly hurts my feelings. His school is about 40 miles from our house and i have to drive him there in the morning and pick him up his dads schedule is very inconsistent and there is no when will he be home he is a truck driver so he is home when he is home. Another great trick is he pulls every single time we go somewhere he has to get something his dad feels bad because he dosent get to see him a lot because of work and always buys something. i literally started throwing his toys in the trash when he wont clean them and he hasnt responded well to that.
Thanks everyone i will continue to try and figure this out and use some your guys advice and see where it takes me.
He's hearing this from his
He's hearing this from his mother. Seven year olds don't just come up with those statements on their own.
First I would stop taking the
First I would stop taking the little shit back and forth to school. Second I would tell him to get some manners and mind his own business.
Well yelling dosn't really
Well yelling dosn't really work anyway, kids just tune it out after a while, basically the way to reach your ss is that if he wishes to recieve any benefits/treats, chores must be completed to your satisfaction and he must treat you and others with respect, I mean if he never learns disipline and respect for others, what chance will he have in life? Work as a team and you will improve things dramatically.