my 20 year old sd totally disrespected me
my husband and I had his 20 year old daughter baby sit for us one night (HER 4 year old sister)when we got home she had 8 underage children in our home all drinking our beer and liquor and not to mention in our hot tub one of the boys was even wearing my husbands swim trunks our 4 year old was asleep on the couch and they were in the next room drinking away,well when I flipped my lid and asked them all to get out she turned to me and said you get the f>>> out your the problem here not us besides this is my fathers house then she told me I was a rotten mother and she should raise her 4 year old sister and then she told me i was a big loser because i don't work well I am a stay at home mom by my and my husbands chioce I really freaked out and told her to get out and she was not welcome back until she said she was sorry.Well about 3 weeks after that we had a b-day party for her 4 year old sister and who shows up but the sd and walks right past me with a smirk on her face and goes out top the deck and says to her father you had better get in the house your wive is flipping out because i am here well he then asked her to say she was sorry to me or leave she left well here we are about 3 weeks after that and i was not home on night and she called and said to him since she is not home can I come over and he said yes.I am totally heart broken because he did this he doesn't see what he has done by letting her come here without saying she is sorry he said there is no harm done because i wasn't home .We were both in agreement over her saying she was sorry to me befor she came back or at least i thought so .HELP WHAT CAN I SAY TO MAKE HIM UNDERSTAND THAT HE HAS DISRESPECTED ME AlSO AND THAT SHE NOW HAS DISRESPECTED ME ALSO ONCE AGAIN!!!!!
These men are so damn clueless. By not remaining loyal to us they are going to alienate us... ..He really needs to boycott her as well until she apologizes....I can't believe he can't see that.
I'm upset for you!!!!
Good Luck...
Not Cool
DH is so wrong here. He needs to get it straight with SD. I wouldn't not tolerate this in my own house.
Agree with bonus wife and Cruella.
NCP should have rights too!
Your DH needs a swift kick in the ass...He has totally disrespected you in allowing sd to come to yours and his home. Weather you are there or not, he should be standing by you..a united front. I would not stand for this in my home either....
That is totally unacceptable!!!
Your DH needs to stand by you here, especially since the SD put your 4 year old at risk with her behavior. You are going to need to talk to him about this, but be prepared for a fight to develop. DH and I have gone round and round about his daughter's behavior toward me, but the more I argue with him about it, the more he has tended toward backing my points.
Obviously your husband
Obviously your husband should stick up for you and demand that his daughter respect you.
But I have a concern. Leaving your 4 year old with a 20 year old half-sister who may want to retaliate her negative feelings towards you on her half-brother, is not a good idea. The SD has real hatred towards you (or so it seems) & I wouldn't trust her completely with your little one. This might be the case, especially if the 20 year old is going on 16 in maturity.
I feel for what you are going through. Your husband needs to side with you ALWAYS, a united front.