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I don't know how to take this

sam's picture

My ss bm came and moved ss out while dh and i were out for valentines dinner.We were gone maybe an hour and a little bit and when we got home there was a note on the table saying moved to moms and dont forget cs check with her address following.So my dh has been up for 2 nights drinking himself silly.It pisses me off that she has so much pull in our marriage and has done this to hurt dh and i.I feel so bad for him but at the same time pissed off because she wants him to feel like shit and he is letting that happen.SS still has not phoned and we cant phone because we only have her cell number and it would turn ugly.I am in shock that ss would do this to his dad but dh and i talked last night and told me that she has always favored ss over sd because in her religion men are put on a pedastal and girls are lowered.I am very mad at ss for not trying to work things out all we asked of him was to help around the house and set his alarm clock in the morning and he decided to go where he will be catered to and mama will buy his 40.00 game card with our cs cheque how f@#$%^is that!!So now ss and sd dont want to be here because they can run wild in the city and bm is never home.We live in the country and i am always here.We just dont know why ss did it this way we arent hard people to talk to and if he wanted to go to his moms we would have allowed him because he is 16 and we dont have much say in the matter but it was done the wrong way.SS left all his dirty dishes in a drawer and took all his clothes and cds and his laptop and xbox.We are just shocked!!


Sia's picture

one. Boy that sucks! I feel for you and your DH. I wouldn't do a damn thing more for either kid until I was court ordered to do so!

Most Evil's picture

I thinks its just immaturity on both SS and BM's fault! Please do not feel you were in any way out of line for asking a 16 year old to be more responsible. That is what parents are supposed to do.

I think it was done this way for the shock value, to hurt you guys even more. I would be a little short and cool with SS if he ever calls. Please ask Dh to go for a walk with you or something instead of drinking.

What kind of (legitimate) religion raises up men and denigrates women? Hang in there honey and yes, count your blessings, it sounds like he will only get worse! Sorry dear

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin