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Medical responsibility

keener205's picture

Im a step father of a 12 year old girl that had some medical problems the last 2 years. I carry her on my insurance through my PD, since her father dont, he also dont pay any medical cost. Well the medical cost got so high I couldnt keep up with them, since the wife wasnt working. Now that she is and has a good job we want a new house. The medical bill have ended up on my credit report. I was told that the bio father was going ot pay then, guess what, he didnt. Well thins has lowered by score to where i cant get financed for the home. What can I do? I never signed a paper at the hospital or Dr Office, but its on me. Help please what can I do?

ownedbypedro's picture

Unless you specify otherwise, when you go to a medical appointment and present your insurance card (in my experience anyway) the person who carries the insurance for the family is listed as the party "responsible for bills."

I am still carrying insurance on my husband through my employer - until our divorce is final. Statements from the insurance company regarding his appointments are mailed to me and I am listed as the person responsible to pay.

keener205's picture

Me neither but the hospital has put it there i got debt collectors calling me and wearing me out. Only thing I can think of is because shes on my insurance.

CaveCanem's picture

Were you listed as the person responsible for the bills? I know I had to ask our lawyer to make sure the BM was NOT putting me down as the responsible person for the bills, just the carrier of the insurance. The child has secondary coverage through the state since the BM doesn't work, so I have yet to see any bills come mine or my husband's way.

I would be consulting an attorney at this point...

keener205's picture

No my wife did that and just used my Ins info. Sorry part is that the BF has yet to cover her on his in or pay for all the medical issues

stepmisery's picture

Can you file with the credit bureau(s)? I mean, file a protest statement or something to try to get it taken off.

I would guess the dr office, or your wife if she took the child to the dr, listed you as the responsible party, probably because you carry the child on your insurance.

Can you contact the hospital and dr office, see if you are listed as the responsible party and try to get the changes started there?

Just throwing out suggestions, I don't really know much about this.

smartone's picture

If something is on your credit record that shouldn't be, you should contact each credit reporting agency and tell them so. They are required to investigate, and if they can't prove it is your debt it must be removed. I would also contact the doctor's office or hospital as well.

CaveCanem's picture

Just because you carry the insurance does not mean you have to be the responsible party. It sounds like you may have been listed, or it was left blank and the Dr. office assumed it's you since you are the insurance carrier. We mentioned in court to make sure that *I* was NOT going to be responsible for any bills whatsoever. I didn't even want him on my insurance, but my husband was ordered to carry it and it's WAY cheaper at my job, plus I have one of the best plans in our state and I already carry my family on it. After some serious number crunching, it saves us a TON of money for me to carry the child on mine.

Also, who was ordered in the court order to carry the insurance?

herewegoagain's picture

I hate to say it, but if you carry the medical insurance, it's either going to be you or your wife as the responsible party. I don't think legally she can put someone else's name as the responsible party, as I believe she is to be responsible. Then, after SHE pays, she normally has to send receipts for the NCP to pay. Sorry, but I think the one you need to be angry about here is your wife. She more than likely put your name and I highly doubt that you will get out of this now, UNLESS, you can show court records stating that SHE is to be responsible for paying the bills and that the credit bureau and others will accept it.

Good luck. I think it sucks. Believe me, we are on the opposite side of the fence and I CRINGE thinking that crazy woman could have written down my husband's name as responsible knowing full well that we wouldn't even know if there was such a bill.

keener205's picture

This is making me crazy so i asked the wifde if she by chance listed me. She advised no that the only thing i was on is the ins paperwork that she listeer her and her ex husband. But i guess since im the ins carrier the hospital assumed that I was responsible. I was told tonight that if i can prove that Im not responsible that it can be taken off. I got to get the original decree from my wife to prove that. I can only hope.

keener205's picture

This is making me crazy so i asked the wifde if she by chance listed me. She advised no that the only thing i was on is the ins paperwork that she listeer her and her ex husband. But i guess since im the ins carrier the hospital assumed that I was responsible. I was told tonight that if i can prove that Im not responsible that it can be taken off. I got to get the original decree from my wife to prove that. I can only hope.

keener205's picture

This is making me crazy so i asked the wifde if she by chance listed me. She advised no that the only thing i was on is the ins paperwork that she listeer her and her ex husband. But i guess since im the ins carrier the hospital assumed that I was responsible. I was told tonight that if i can prove that Im not responsible that it can be taken off. I got to get the original decree from my wife to prove that. I can only hope.

keener205's picture

This is making me crazy so i asked the wife if she by chance listed me. She advised no that the only thing i was on is the ins paperwork that she listeer her and her ex husband. But i guess since im the ins carrier the hospital assumed that I was responsible. I was told tonight that if i can prove that Im not responsible that it can be taken off. I got to get the original decree from my wife to prove that. I can only hope.

Rags's picture

Sue the deadbeat SpermIdiot and also nail his worthless POS ass in family court for a giant pile of CS.

I have always had my SS on my health insurance because his worthless POS SpermIdiot could not afford it and when he could it was too late. The judge kept SS on my insurance with an increase in DipShit's CS to cover his share of insuring my SS. My plan was far better than DipShit's.

As for you being liable for the bills. I had several fights with hospitals about the SpermClan putting my name or my wife's name as the responsible party for ER visits that they took the kid to while he was on SpermLand visitation. THe hospital's reasoning for listing us as the responsible parties was because the insurance was in my name. We repeatedly had to file legal action against both the hospital and the SpermClan for this bullshit including threats of criminal charges for the SpermClan fraudulently putting my name and my wifes on a service that the SpermClan initiated.

With time your credit will improve but you have to fight back with every legal action possible. When you or your bride take your Skid(s) to the doc you have to list DipSHit as the responsible party for half of any uncovered expenses. Pay your half and send a formal notification to DipSHit that the rest is on him. Provide his contact info to the doctor's office and to any collectors that call you regarding HIS unpaid ballances.

BioDad being an idiot who can't afford his own children does not mean all of the financial burden falls on you.

Go kick his ass in court. We did and though we still are waiting on payment on more than $10K of legal rulings against DipShit we will keep his worthless ass broke for his entire life until he steps up and pays what he is both legally and morally obligated to pay to support his child. How many more out of wedlock spawn he had by how ever many more women is not our problem and I could care less if he and all of the rest of the SpermClan starve or end up living under an overpass somewhere. My job is to support my family including his oldest out-of-wedlock child who happens to be with my wife. Part of my duty to my family is holding the moron accountable for his responsiblities.

All IMHO of course.