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Locked dh out of bedroom but he keeps coming in!?!?!

unwillingparticipant's picture

wtf! What would you do??? I try to lock him out but he keeps coming in - I cant even have privacy in my own house!

Dizzy's picture

That's what I'm thinking, MamaFox...that's HIS room, too.

OP--If you need alone time away from everyone, including your hubs, you may need to seek other options.

QueenBeau's picture

"phasing through walls?"

STOPPPPPP I'm over here cracking up like an idiot DH thinks I'm crazy

MamaFox's picture

Yeah the fighting thing I would understand, but there's no qualifying statement here so I have no idea why she locked him out.

rainbow bright83's picture

this is the funniest thing! omg... sorry, I'm not laughing At you. I just am picturing the beginning of the Flintstones!

Frustratedlady's picture

I kind-of understand the OP if it is to try and get away for a breather from a heated fight. My H use to follow me around no matter where I tried to escape from a fight that was going no where. All I wanted to have is cool down time for both of us. One time it was so bad I went into the spare room and hid on the floor beside the bed. I decided just to go to sleep there since it was late anyway. The door to the room was not closed and you could clearly see blakets and pillows removed from the bed. Next thing you know I was awoken to my friends voice who lived miles away following a cops voice. Dumb H was drunk and "couldn't" find me so he called my friend. Who then freaked and called the cops as she drove to my house. Boy did my friend and the cop let H have it! They could clearly see my car was there, my purse was there, my shoes where there, anything and everything was there that I would have taken even if I went for a walk. The cop even said clearly she hasn't been the one drinking but you have sir. And she was just trying to escape from you without leaving the house. That is also when the cop called me by H's exw name. It was explained to me that there were many calls to that house for similar reasons.

simifan's picture

LOL, My hubby did this once. I got right up in his face and screamed as loud & high and long as i could... just "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" He has never unlocked a locked door again }:)

AllySkoo's picture

Next time lock yourself in the bathroom. Most men get uncomfortable at the thought of seeing their wives on the toilet, he probably wouldn't even try to get in! Wink

Drac0's picture

Hee hee...

DW and I are "Walking Dead" fans.

Whenever I surprise DW and she shrieks, I immediately roll my eyes up, start moaning and try to eat her brains.

wth was I thinking's picture

That's cute, lol. I'll have to try that on DH next time, for some reason I startle him a lot. I guess I walk too quietly, haha.