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She's Baaaaaaaccckkkkkk-Que my crazy

Accordn2L's picture

Well SD8 came back yesterday for her 7 days on 7 days off with us. I have to admit I found every errand to run and an extended visit with my Dad to cause me to come home a few hours after I knew she was there, I hate that I feel like I have to avoid my own house! UGGG anyways I was a little taken aback that when I walked in she ran up and gave me a hug and was chatting me up. Then after 15 minutes I noticed she had said "hey Accordn2l" about 15 times and felt myself cringing already. Then she talked about BM's newest spawn (1 month old I think)for quite a while and I kept saying "that's nice". Then I went to the restroom and guess what? PISS ALL OVER THE SEAT AGAIN! :jawdrop: WTF! WHY? I must throw in I just cleaned the entire house from top to bottom yesterday morning. I calmly walked into the room where SO and SD8 was and said the toilet will need to be cleaned again. She went in there and wiped it off with toilet paper and didn't even flush it. I said um NO. I instructed SO that Lysol would need to be used and since AD8 was confused about cleaning and hygiene that I've gone over with her maybe 1000 times he would need to supervise. A few minutes later I was on the couch going over some work materials to prepare for today and SD8 comes to sit beside me and says you stink. I said I beg your pardon? ( I had a shower yesterday morning and was dressed and had been out visiting my father and running errands, I did not stink!) She said yeah you smell bad. I got up and said well that's enough for me tonight and walked to the bedroom. Que the tears and whining of DAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYYY. It was about 15 minutes prior to her normal bedtime. So he comes in the bedroom and said that he explained how rude she was to me and made her go to bed. Oh a whole 15 minutes early? Wow way to go Dad! I don't know what I expected him to do but that just seemed lax as usual.

I went on and finished going over my work stuff in the bedroom and went to bed, no idea what time he came to bed. I kept the bedroom door shut while I got ready for work and yes I did shower and wash my stinky self LOL, came out of the bedroom and she was all jumping up and down saying good morning. I was like good morning, have a nice day, and I left for work. I got here an hour early only because I didn't want to be at home! So there covers day one of my 7 day hell. Sorry to rant and be long winded, just had to get it off my chest. I think I'm going to go for employee of the week and be here early and work late everyday if possible!


Accordn2L's picture

hahaha maybe so! I mean how freaking rude! I knew I didn't stink but what a little brat to say that to me. Next time I'm working in the yard for a few hours and really do stink and I'm sweaty will be time for a armpit hold!

Accordn2L's picture

I want to care about this kid, I really do, I have TRIED so hard. But I seriously wanted to slap the taste out of her mouth when she said I stink. I mean what am I 5 years old? I know it was so stupid but OMG it made me so mad.

Accordn2L's picture

Ok I'm glad you said that becuase I honestly thought the toilet pissing and then being disrespectful to me deserved a spanking. HOWEVER in the two years we have been together he has NEVER spanked her EVER. I resort to spanking as a last resort with my BD11 but mainly because she is a child that can be told not to do something and then she doesn't do it again.

Accordn2L's picture

The thing that really gets me is I do SO much for this kid! Even though she drives me pure insane, I spent so much time getting her room ready and just perfect when she moved in because at BM she shares a room with half brother (11) and new half sister (1 month) so I wanted her to have her own special place. I take her and my BD11 to all sorts of museums, swimming, we play nail salon and have beauty days, I help her with her homework, on and on. I want her to have everything I've been able to do for my own daughter and help her because she is a very awkward and strange kid. And everytime I turn around this happens. My SO acts like it's all me and that HIS kid is perfect. If I hear "she's only 8" one more time I may throat punch him for real.

Accordn2L's picture

I think my new stock answer is "ask your father". I honestly just do not GAF anymore! I swear I don't even think I would flinch if he said he was moving out. BYE and take that pissy little brat with you!

Accordn2L's picture

you got that right! But again I think I might shoot for employee of the week and be early and work late. Or I might just have stuff to do that keeps me away from home as much as possible so I don't lose my sh*t and go off on everyone at home! LOL

Accordn2L's picture

LMAO! I just had to use urban dictionary to figure out WTF an ass gasket was. GROSS

zerostepdrama's picture

Same here... nasty...

I went to a concert/camping thing over the weekend. I sat on that port a potty toliet every single time. #1 because I was mostly too drunk to try and squat. But #2 its too dang hard to squat.

Honestly the seat was never even wet.... I was surprised. A bunch of drunks and they were actually making it in the toliet!

Accordn2L's picture

She shits on the toilet seat too just an FYI! Here is my guess she waits until the last minute then starts peeing or pooping before she sits down? Oh and many times I find pee in the toilet with no toilet paper. I have gone over bathroom and person hygiene with her for over two years! Every other week she comes back I bascially have to go over the same stuff over and over. IDK if BM just let's her piss and shit everywhere or if this is something SD8 saves special for my house since I am OCD about cleaning the house?

Accordn2L's picture

That is already in the bathroom. I have a little OCD when it comes to cleaning my house. That is my own issue but when I scrub the bathrooms I do it with bleach on hands and knees. So for most parents to see that on the toilet would gross them out, but for me and the fact that I focus on cleanliness so much it pretty much sends me over the edge! I am constantly going in the bathroom and using wipes just to freshen their bathroom up.

I should have just gotten a dog and stayed by myself. Somedays I really wonder if I am cut out for this shit!