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In-law compliments

Stepmom09's picture

My FIL is a very sweet man. Lately he has had random moments were he is just very thoughtful and soft (he is kind of a rough and tough country boy if you knew him you would understand) Well recently he post this whole thing about how happy he is the DH found his soul mate and tagged me. It was just really touching.

What great compliments you have received from in-laws?

rainbow bright83's picture

oh gosh.... I have not ever received or given a compliment in regards to my FIL. That being said, we have a great relationship. We joke, we call each other nicknames, things like that. We get along really well. I make fun of him going bald, and he makes fun of the crazy hair colors/styles that i have.

Rags's picture

My FIL won't take his daughter back and will not provide me with a refund. So... I am stuck with her. Wink

In all honesty though my ILs are nice people on the face of it all they are not particularly engaging or complementary of anyone or anything. They have too much fun living a life of redneck drama. Pointing out what they consider to be people's shortcomings is just too much fun to distract from the drama by paying compliments. Interestingly anyone present is never talked about but anyone not present is fair game. It gets very old very quickly wich is why I accompany my bride to SpermLand to visit my ILs at a ratio of 1:5 for her visits. There is a reason why we just spent Christmas with my IL clan for the second time in our 21+ year marriage and the first time in 15 years. The infrequent IL holidays has never been by design but I do not think that it is an accident that we do not enter the breech of IL clan drama for the holidays very often. It is just too draining.

Now my parents.... they regularly compliment my bride. My wife and my dad are intellectual sparring partners and dad calls her "scary smart" while my bride and my mom are pretty much BFFs. My parents refer to my bride as their daughter and may add that she is my wife in conversation... maybe. They do not give that standing to my brother's wife. Not that my SIL is a bad person. She is a very sweet person but is just not a particularly good fit in the Rags clan at least enough to have a very close relationship with my parents. She feels guilty about being close to my parents and is at a tangible level very stand offish. My parents just don't gravitate to a relationship with her like they do with my bride.

My wife very openly says that my mom is who taught her to be a confident woman and that my parents are far bigger influences on her than her own and openly admits that she is far more at home with my parents/family than with her own.

twopines's picture

When I met FIL, he hugged me as we were leaving. DH said he never hugs anyone, even his own kids.