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Labor Day weekend, yes, I will have to labor to make it thru

forever2's picture

Anyone else in a purple funk because it is Labor Day weekend and you are stuck with skids? Remember when a three day weekend was cause for celebration?...picnics and summer sun and pool time and friends etc. etc. etc. Now only skid misery...what he wants to eat, what he wants to do, what he wants to watch on TV, where he is willing to go, me totally ignored while BF kisses his butt. Wonder if they will disappear to play golf or watch a baseball game all day while I clean the house. I only hope I can get some stuff done while I count the hours until Tuesday. My boss probably thinks I am a great employee...staying so late at night and happy as can be to get back to work after the weekend. Little does he know.

hismineandours's picture

Ha! I was just thinking the same thing. How things are so different on the weekends he is here. In some ways I feel sorry for dh-he so wants to spend time with his whole family and do family oriented activities, but me and my kiddos cant stand to be around ss(because he doesnt like us and finds every opportunity to let us know)so what usually happens is he and ss hang out while the rest of us do our own thing. Luckily we have a big enough home that I can stay away from him!