Just when I thought it couldn't get better:)
Wow is life looking up! Not only do I get a permanent vacation from the skids, but DH is finally completely onboard with zero communication with BM! We've gone back and forth with email communication, texts, and BM just won't stop calling. She doesn't like that DH shares all her emails and texts with me and likes to have someone to call and yell at.
DH's good friend is an attorney and finally just told him today to have NO further communication with her. The kids are old enough to let him know whats happening and all other issues should be resolved in court. I agree with him - its pretty harsh...you'd think they could talk/communicate occassionally about major issues, but really they can't. Every single call involves nasty comments or yelling on her part, every email is nasty, etc. It's gonna drive her crazy that he won't talk to her. Whatever, at least I don't have to deal with her crap anymore!
Good for you! It drives our
Good for you!
It drives our BM crazy that we don't talk to her. All communication is court ordered email only, and she finally quit doing that when we brought all of her emails to court.
That's great! It's nice when
That's great! It's nice when all the harassment stops, and you can live your live in peace without someone trying to ruin it because they are desperate and miserable.