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Just blowing off.

moosethrash's picture

Man.... I'm telling you. I'm about to lose my crap. I just need to vent, even if no one responds.
I'm a bio and step mom. I love my SD. She's 6 and she's a good girl that brings a lot to my life and the lives of my little boys.
... Her "mother" (by virtue of the fact that she managed to carry a child to term) is a different thing entirely. She makes me want to go straight up She-Hulk. Her worst fault is that she's a crap-o parent. She alienated my SD from her father (my husband) for 4 months until we got a judge to tell her what was up, now we have SD half of the time. She's a user... of many kinds. Her boyfriend is an atrocious sack of poop that treats SD poorly.
The things that really get me down are the day-to-day b.s. that we put up with from her.
Example: Last weekend we took a short road trip to Wisconsin. Bio-mom now claims that out of state vacations are illegal.... WHAT? That's so absurd. She just makes up "facts" in her head and then expects everyone else to agree with the veracity of her claims.

I'm sure it sounds like I'm blowing this up... and maybe I am. I just get down when she's constantly attempting to sabotage or undermine SD's relationships with her father and the rest of our family.

Its_My_Life_Too's picture

Seriously.... I get it! Check out my story, it sounds pretty similar to mine. Hugs!!! Just take it easy and take a deep breath Smile

I totally get the she-hulk feeling! You are welcome to message me to blow off steam. I've been dealing with this for 3 years now, including the BM with-holding SD from her dad and the sabotage attempts. Even the drug use is similar. And yet, after all that my SD is still a darling little girl. I think when they child is in these kinds of situations they tend to choose to ignore the chaos.

WTHDISUF's picture

She-Hulk... LOL That's funny!! The situation, alas, is not. Because here you are with a GOOD Stepchild which many of us would love to have, Lol BUT then the BM acts the fool and messes with you. Sheesh. One thing or the Other.

Luckily, there are new laws that are starting to catch up to the Father's Rights when it comes to divorced families. Courts are starting to understand that being Mom doesn't automatically mean Dad is no Good and Mom is best Parent so they are starting to not be so lopsidedly on Mom's Side without proof. Hellcat BM's are losing some of their ability to be a Nuisance by filing multiple frivolous lawsuits, making petty claims, alienating, etc so hopefully soon it will be harder for her to act like a fool. Record everything she does; date and time and have as much detail as you can so that you can get her ass for harassment if she keeps it up.

Try to hang in there! (If you do SheHulk, please share it with us! We love it when crazy BM's get their comeuppance!)