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Joint legal custody question

Abby1979's picture

My ss bm says she is taking my ss to the doctor for meds for behavior issues. She also mentioned enrolling him in military school. My question is with joint legal does my h have a right to stop him from being given meds he disagrees with? Can she enroll him in a military school an hour away without my h's consent? The CO says she has final decision on educational matters after discussing it with my H. But would apply here to a military boarding school? Thanks in advance

MidwestStepmom's picture

Our CO is also stated like that and unfortunately your dh doesn't really have say. It means that the two of them needs to discuss and after that if they can't agree, Bm gets to make the final decision. You can try to stop her by taking her to court, that's the only way.

notarelative's picture

If BM has final say stated in the CO, than it usually is her decision. BM has to tell him, has to listen to what he says, but in the end she decides.

On the question of how the military school is paid for he may have some leverage depending on how the CO is worded. He needs to consult his lawyer to see where he stands and what, if anything, he should do.

Redredwine's picture

Mine is worded like that and I have final say (impass breaking authority). Luckily I've never had to use it. But, yes, she can for the education based on what you said. If she doesn't have final medical authority that's where your DH may be able to do things.

Calypso1977's picture

wow - she has final say after discussion? that doesnt sound like joint legal at all - and no way to prove a discussion ever took place.

my fiance's states that if hte parents cannot agree on an educational institution, then the kid by default goes to local public school.

we have found, sadly, that joint legal doesnt mean much. BM just does whatever she wants with SD14 and nothing happens. she's taken her out of state, sent her on field trips, etc. that my fiance has not known about. she's been allowed to refuse treatment at the doctor (specifically her booster shot - why would her mother leave that up to her kid to decide!?!? - because she "didnt want it") and my fiance again has no say.

Abby1979's picture

yes it says she has final say on everything and I agree joint custody is not much use because of that very thing. She has told him over and over that it doesn't matter what he thinks about any decisions if she decides to tell him anything it's just a courtesy she is doing for him. I am just curious how she could send him away to a military boarding school when it would affect the visitation schedule. He is definitely consulting a lawyer though because of that and also concerning he could be made to pay for the school on top of cs. The co says nothing about education at all except she gets final say in deciding on education matters.