Is it okay I'm hurt by my kids? Because it feels like a fraudulent thing to say
I've been with my husband for two years. We have a good relationships with open communication. We've worked hard for this. My skids and I have gotten along well. It's been surprising, how good it's been. We've been thanking our lucky stars we all get along and generally like each other. DH and I married almost a year ago. The parenting plan was that the kids would live with her but she's unstable in many ways so.. They moved in with us. They've been living with us since Aug 2013.
TD (teenage daughter) is 16, SS is 11 and SD is 8. I didn't realize how hard the situation was until a friend who stayed with us for a month pointed out these are "trauma" kids. The bs their bio mom puts them through is insane. They buy love. That's the only way they know despite my DH's efforts. BM's way is more easily understood than the true meaning of loving people. They never had to do chores before they moved in with us. Constantly missing school. The only reason they were supposed to live with her is because "she can't live without her kids." Except that she's always on her phone or going out with someone. She's not there. At first, I wasn't too angry with her because I felt bad for her. Stuck up for her, even. And then, things happened. Too many and I had to deal with being angry with her. I bounce back and forth, is what I'm saying.
I never want to the person down on their mom.
But it's hard because they have her habits.
When people commented on how "incredible" and "brave" it was for me to take on these kids as my own. I only sometimes call them skids out of respect for their mom. I don't want them to be confused or feel conflicted. I'm a child of divorce and while I didn't have to deal with the whole stepparent thing... I can imagine how it would feel.
We've overcome a lot of things together. It's remarkable how well we have done but it doesn't negate all the challenges. Particularly the anger and heartache I have been feeling toward them for months now. Every little sneaky thing they do, sets me off. I feel cheated. Slighted and manipulated. Their dad and I are usually on the same page but I get the idea we're not right now. He thinks I'm overreacting. I pointed out that it's fantastic that when a person is REALLY upset and not just the socially acceptable mildly upset, that's when people stop listening.
I don't depend on others but I've had to learn to. It's been more difficult than I thought it was to go from being single to being in a family. I feel resentful my parents didn't push me harder when I was younger so I wouldn't have been such an... inactive human being until I feel years ago. And maybe it wouldn't have made any difference. But it's like I didn't learn how to take care of myself until I was 25. It's such bullshit and I don't want the same things to happen to my kids. So no, I don't feel bad about asking them to clean the kitchen (which takes 20-30 minutes) twice a week even if they have a cough. Unless they have a fever and really ARE very sick then that's a totally different thing. But unless you are really sick, you do your responsibilities every single day. Do at least the minimum.
But now TD is using being sick, having a small cough, to get out of doing chores. Meanwhile, she can go out to the store and demands to go to her friend's birthday part on the weekend. But can't walk the dog for 5 minutes. And my 11 year old? Threw a fit when I asked him to walk the dog almost every day last week because I really WAS sick. Fevers, chills, throwing up, etc...
And I'm pissed at the hell they caused me last week when I really needed their help. And still I only asked for small things. The usual chore expectations which is 15-30 minutes (kitchen is the longest). And the temper tantrums, the screaming, the bickering, splitting up the fights I had to deal with. I cannot accept this as normal kid behavior. This is far past normal. This is manipulative, entitled bullshit. I know kids who AREN'T like this.
I've been fantasizing about having a baby with my husband. Something that used to terrify me now sounds like relief because.. then I'd just be dealin with my own baggage. Instead of her lying, cheating, manipulation. I hate it so much. And I know, I know that part of the source of wanting a baby with my husband now is bullshit. I know it. I'm just being honest about it. Babies don't magically make things better. I guess I'm just feeling.. like I don't matter. And wouldn't it be so nice to be loved unconditionally?
But maybe that's just a fantasy, something they sell you on so that being a parent isn't so bad when faced with the crap. But I don't know. I've never had a biological child. It's frustrating.. because no matter how much I give them, I will always be least loved. That isn't supposed to matter. That's petty, I know. And it's embarrassing.. but it hurts because maybe I did have a dream that they would really love me too. I know they do.. I know.. it just.. hurts a lot right now.. because I have given so much and maybe I have given too much emotional energy.It's hard for me to be vulnerable with them anymore. I used to be giving and now I feel like I'm not. Maybe I wasn't as giving as I thought. It's just.. I set up all the parent teacher conferences. I work on their homework plans. I make the meals. We have long talks. I'm really THERE.. and now I'm bitter that it feels like I can't be because I have this bitterness in my chest.
I feel used. I've gone into this thoughtfully, carefully. I've been considerate, compassionate. I've been firm. I've set up strong boundaries and still I feel like shit. Maybe that's a big part of being a parent and it wouldn't matter if they were my bio kids or not. I wanted to love them. I want to unleash all the love I have.
But I can't because I feel like... it just doesn't matter.
All of this has just gotten worse over the last few months. I feel smaller and smaller. Madder and madder. I don't even want to say the dream I had I slapped one of them on the mouth out loud. It's so embarrassing. It's too much rage. Something is wrong with me. I feel like it's my fault, like I lost sight of something and I just want to blame them. But they're just kids. They only know what they know and.. I'm an adult.
I'd talk with them again but.. I dont' think I can.. even do that because I'm not yet willing to hear their responses. I'm scared to be that vulnerable. I'm scared I'll cry in front of them. I'm scared I'll be small and weak and it won't make a difference I've shown my underbelly. But I can't keep having these outbursts like I've had over the last 2 months. It's too much for all of us.
It's like I have to be suffering before they recognize how hurtful they have been. And I don't want that. I don't want to be this person. Because their mom is always this person. It's always a big deal if she's miserable and crying which is all the time. That's how you get their attention that "Hey, this really hurts me. Please stop."
And I'm yelling too much. That doesn't help anything.
I don't know how to break these patterns.
Ouch, I'm so sorry you're
Ouch, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way! For what it's worth, it's normal. YOU are normal. You are NOT a bad person, you got that?
But knowing that doesn't get you out of your rut. So, what to do? The answer to that lies in the answer to some questions. What kind of dad is your DH? Does he lay down rules AND enforce them? Does he support you when YOU enforce rules? Or is he perfectly happy to be "the fun dad" and let you do all the work? Or override you when you dish out consequences for behavior?
IF - and ONLY IF - you guys are on the same page and Dad is doing at least as much work with the kids as you are, then it's time for a Come To Jesus meeting. First with your DH. Tell him how overwhelmed you feel, tell him how stressful it is when the kids yell or backtalk or whine, or whatever your triggers are. Ask him for help in getting the kids out of those behaviors, maybe talk to a Behavioral Therapist about the kids and see if they have any suggestions. Then you have that meeting with the kids and tell them "this is how things are going to be and you can get on board or be grounded for life" (a bit tongue in cheek there, but lay out the rules and the consequences and stick to them). But again, this ONLY works if your DH is COMPLETELY committed and willing to work at it.
On the other hand, if your DH is only interested in avoiding conflict with his kids, if he's more interested in being their friend than being their father, then I'd suggest you disengage. These are not your kids. It is to your credit that you've been willing to step up for so long, but you cannot do it alone and you certainly can't do it if Dad is undermining you. So step back. Let Dad be the parent. You only get involved if it affects you directly. Their laundry isn't done? "Oh, well you'll have to talk to your dad about that." They have 16 cavities from eating only junk food and never brushing? "Poor things, their father hasn't been paying enough attention." (Not that YOU take them to the dentist. No, no, no... that's Dad's job.) They break the antique vase your mother gave you on her death bed? You grab a screwdriver and carefully and deliberately take apart every single piece of their Xbox and then run it over with the car. Twice.
I hate to break it to you,
I hate to break it to you, but they are treating you like a mom. The only difference is that you don't have the unconditional love a mom has for her children to allow them to live past whatever you are dealing with at that moment. So you are angry longer, resentful longer, and want to blame someone else (their mom) for their behavior. But it's just what kids do. No kid really likes chores. I've seen numerous kids from intact families lie like a dog to get out of doing things. And they complain. Life is so hard for kids! But usually they are angels out in public and only subject their own parents to the hell, because when you complain to anyone it makes you less credible. My kids have had me in tears before. But then out of the blue they really surprise me. It just depends on their mood. They are still learning. Even adults are selfish at times, but for some reason we expect kids to be different and better. We make excuses for adults like, "They must not have been taught any better." No...they just choose to be an asshole. And kids learn through trial and error that it pays off to do the right thing. Some learn at 15, some at 25. They learn by being rewarded when they do the right thing. Even if it's, "Hey, I love how you handled that..." or "Thank you for doing that without complaining."
I have LITERALLY done this... when I want to yell because they have just done/said the stupidest thing you can imagine...and they are standing there looking at me and wondering why I'm not losing it, I say, "I am counting to 100..." Which means "I am really losing it, but I am in control." And "you should thank your lucky stars right now that counting works" LOL. It gives them a minute to reflect on how thankful they are that I'm not one of those abusive parents that would beat them, and also time to work up an apology, or maybe a laugh, because sometimes they realize they just did something stupid, too.
You will be fine!
This helps, Allyskoo It helps
This helps, Allyskoo It helps that this is normal. I am beginning to feel like a crazy person.
DH is a hands on dad. Has been because his ex-wife isn't. Because she has kids to have friends and to have people who will unconditionally feel sorry for her. It makes my stomach turn. Normally DH is with me and I have talked to him about this. But now he tells me I need to let this go and to give it time. Maybe he's right. He probably is.. but I feel deeply hurt and can't engage with them.
We've had so many talks. Maybe too many lecture talks but we try to have engaged conversations, not just us talking down to them, you know? And for a long time.. a good 6-9 months, I stepped way back but enforced the "dad's rules." I let them know I agreed with him and that we had decided things together. We've been slowly handing the reins over to me for a while. And maybe that's it. Maybe they're just not getting it or maybe they don't want me to be their parent. It's possible. Sometimes they call me mom, sometimes step-mom. They are very conflicted, I can tell. Maybe this is really about me feeling very slighted because I do all the stuff they NEED, have really needed from a female authority figure.. I care for them so much. I do the hard stuff.
They'd do anything for their mom but not for me. I just needed their help so much last week and it seems so stupid and silly and petty but I feel destroyed over that they DIDN'T help me out. That is a fight to get them to help me out. I'm not destroyed, of course. I always bounce back. Ever resilient. Its an exaggeration but it's how it feels.
And who wouldn't do anything for their mom at that age? Who wouldn't hang onto her fiercely? No matter how much crap they give her, she is their mom. No matter how she treats them.
Phew.. Okay thanks
I think that's what this is really about. Venting helps a lot.
Maybe my problem is, I also do too much. I want to fix it or take care of it. But.. as much as I want it to be.. maybe it's not my job.
It's perfectly ok to feel as
It's perfectly ok to feel as you do. Parenting is the hardest job in the world and step parenting even harder. I admire you for taking on three kids who are not your own. Sounds like you need to look after yourself more, take some time for YOU. Kids and chores..even my own kids disappoint me there! They will come up with any excuse. And I know my kids love me but teenagers are so selfish...they will watch you throw up and wait and then ask if you can now make them a sandwich!! When my son was 16 he continued to play his Xbox while I was literally choking on a piece of meat and even shouted at me to keep the noise down so he could concentrate on his game. Now that he is grown he is mortified that he did that. Parents have to teach kids NOT to be selfish.
You are sooooo normal and you
You are sooooo normal and you are fighting against the teenage beast. My girls from age 14 to 18 were not so helpful. My rule in my home is if you want to have plans over the weekend do your damn chores. Don't asking me for a ride or permission if it isn't done. My middle daughter would text me from school and ask if she could go somewhere after school ~ are your chores done ~ I think so ~ take picture of uncleaned bathroom ~ respond to daughter the answer is in the picture. Yup that's me !
I don't ask a lot of my kids ~ daily chores like set the table n wash dishes have become like " saying the pledge at school." I don't really care what their excuses are ~ cause frankly excuses are like assholes everyone has one.
You are only feeling exactly what each n everyone of us has at some point in time. ~ unappreciated ~ that's the job of a mom. My older girls have come full circle & will now help out & do dishes at friends/families homes and now I reep all the rewards. " your kids are so helpful & that's awesome. You did a great job !! That's my pat on the back that I have done my job as a mom alone for 5 years. I steered them in the independent woman they are evolving into. Big smiles for me. I am a tough mom but I tell them all the time ~ do what I ask when I ask n everything will be great.
Count your blessings that you DH is behind you. He does appreciate you. In will come in time with the kids. Stay steady n strong n laugh every once in while. It helps.
Kids don't truly know what it takes to be a mom ~ and when are done for the count being sick it's really tough. As a mom there are no sick or personal days. Kids will always need & want. But you are raising them with values & moral.
Keep up the good work
I have to say I agree with
I have to say I agree with others - what your skids are doing is normal teen crap too and NOT because you're a smom! (That is not to say that you and your DH shouldn't point out to them that consideration for others is expected. Don't let them get away with selfishness or thoughtlessness just because it's normal. That's how they learn!)
I have two stories to add to the pot though. The first happened this morning. I threw up and my BS5 happened to see me. His response? "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!" ZERO sympathy.
Of course he's five so I suppose it's even more normal for him. 
My other story is about my brother. He's much younger than I am, and when he was about 14 or so he asked me if I would take him and a friend to the movies. It was a movie I wanted to see anyway, so I said sure. When we got there, he asked me not to sit with them! (Can you even IMAGINE the reaction if an skid did that to an smom here?!?!) My brother (now an adult) HATES being reminded of this story - he says it's the one moment from his teenage years he is most ashamed of. (And yes, he WAS a pretty good kid thank god, this probably was the "meanest" thing he ever did.)
Anyway, my point is - try not to take their attitude to heart. Correct it, for sure, but don't take it personally. It doesn't mean they don't love you, it just means teenagers are pretty crappy people.
Thanks everyone. This has
Thanks everyone. This has helped immensely. Your stories were soothing. It's hard this is normal for teenagers and maybe that's part of my issue. I haven't been thinking about my SS as a teenager but.. he's there. I still think of him as this sweet kid rather than this person who is trying to establish his own, you know?
Looking back on my teen years, I'm appalled by my own behavior. I actually had a small meltdown when I was in my mid-twenties. Called my mom and sobbed that I had been so awful to her. 10 years later.
Now I'm on the end of it.. and damn. I REALLY put my mom through some crap. Anyway, it all still feels bad but at least better. Maybe I just need some distance and drop some of my expectations.
An UPDATE: My husband is the
An UPDATE: My husband is the BOMB. He's amazing. Because he just fixed that shit like a BOSS. Okay, I don't normally say those things.. but my dude swooped in and fixed it all with a serious conversation. I was open, I spoke about how felt I wasn't a part of the family and I felt I wasn't cared for, etc...
Because of his parenting style and because of our parenting style together... Because of these habits he built and the ones I supported.. It was so easy to talk it out. Today I felt like a goner. Like I was giving up.
Now I feel like nothing could break us. Even though something could but ... to have a partner who has my back like that? That's unbelievable. That's amazing. And they got it. No crying, no putting each other down or finger pointing or anything like that. Just talking about how we felt and it made me feel a lot better and brought us all closer.