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Is it normal 2

Trytobegood's picture

Does 13 year olds still need bubble gum flavored toothpaste? This 13 yr old has braces.... Yes or no. ...?

WTF...REALLY's picture

Yes. I need bubble gum toothpaste and I am 45. There is a age limit?

WTF...REALLY's picture

I got mint or bubblegum.....pick one.

Shaman29's picture

Ummmmmmm......your skid actually brushes their teeth and you're bitching about the flavor of the toothpaste?

I envy you your life, that the most horrible thing going on is the flavor of toothpaste your skid prefers.

What's next? The fact they prefer My Pretty Pony soap? Flintstones chewables? Almond milk??


twopines's picture

Two weeks ago I needed a bottle of pink O.P.I Hello Kitty nail polish. I agree with the need for bubble gum flavored toothpaste to make the morning a little nicer.