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I think I may have started World War II

Frustrated woman's picture

Well yesterday when I got home from work my SS15 came up to me and told me that his BM called earlier and that my BD17 did not answer the phone and he was upset about it. And I thought to myself should I take this opportunity to tell him why or do I just say ohh sorry.. well I decided to take the opportunity to tell him the truth as to why she didnt answer the phone.

I said to SS15 well in all honesty I am not surprised that she didnt answer the phone because just as I havent answered the phone when she calls for the past 6 months is because your BM has been very rude and sassy in the past when I answer the phone and I choose to not be apart of that, plus I myself am trying to keep from getting rude back to her on the phone, because it is wrong to be rude like that to anyone. (although i wanted to say um I have class and she is shit but I refrained from that and cleaned it up alittle) Then I said as far as BD17 not answering the call, well its like this your BM has NOT been rude to her personally, however she is extremely rude and disrespectful to me, and she doesnt want to talk to your mother when your mother treats her mother like crap for no reason. THen I said honestly she has been alot of my problem here and I dont have time to have ppl like that in my daily life.

He just looked at me and didnt say a word and walked away. I was very calm when I made this statement to SS15. I have to say I was kinda proud of myself, but also at the same time I feel like ohhh shit here we go he is gonna tell his BM what I said, then she will be all over DH and denying it... and it will make matters worse.

I did tell my DH what I said and why I said it and I asked him if he was upset with me and he said No and that it was fine, and I dont need to answer the phone nor does my BD17 cuz she sure as hell aint calling for either one of you... of course if she leaves a message on the machine, we always tell him that his BM called. So its not like he doesnt get the messages I was also stunned at the fact that my SS15 didnt seem to realize that I dont answer the phone ever when she calls, and that if he is in the house I yell for SS15 that his mom is calling....

I just hope to god that if SS15 tells his BM what I said that my DH will be able to handle it, because he has alot of troubles standing up to her. I mean we are talking about an extreme evil, manipaltive screaming & yelling bitch here.... She is god awful! She has gone off on me infront of my BD and my SS and I just look at her like she is shit and refrain from exploding all over her, because I am trying to set an example and I am trying to take the higher road here, but OMG is it hard it takes everything I have not to get out of that car and knock her on her ass. As when she has yelled at me its usually at a drop off or pickup that i go with DH on... and even now I hardly ever go with anymore because I just try and dissengage myself from her completely. And it is very hard because my DH is the custodial parent to SS15 and for the most part seriously needs to grow a pair when it comes to his Ex-Wife... or as I call her