I freekin hate stupid dumb presents
ARRRRGGGG! I frekin hate stupid dumb presents! this is friken the worst. the stupidest idea ever and when they bring it over to my house to burn and hurt my kids and grandkids and it was a dumb idea when they had it at there house and then they buy one for our house and I dont like the danger potential and I dont like the clutter. and the mess and this fricken sucks and now they can come over to our house and do the stupid dangerous activity at our house with my kids. and the present was from my DIL and her kids my grandkids love to do it and they will get burned becuase they are too hyper and dont listen to rules to operate.
I Hate presents
I Hate presents
Im just sitting in my bedroom
Im just sitting in my bedroom stewing waiting while my DH helps my kids with the stupid thing so that I dont bum them out with my negitivity while they burn themselves and then I will have to watch my kids all week try to let the burns on their hands and arms heal. this is so stupid. I wish I would have had the balls to tell DIL to take the present home to their house and that we dont want it in our house. It was very thoughtful of her but too dangerous for kids.
this is as enjoyible as when
this is as enjoyible as when I waited outside the room while my DH accompanied my baby boys for circumcision. Im sitting here in my room waiting for everyone to burn themselves. stupid
SHopping list of similar
SHopping list of similar gifts for kids:
Shards of glass
saudering iron
carpet iron
exploding cherry bombs
ginsu knives
throwing stars
bunson burner
flame thrower
air bag for vehicles
This has me incredibly
This has me incredibly intrigued. smh.
My industry is hyper focused on safety so your post has me very interested.
I would suggest that you just take it to the garbage and eliminate the risk. I am not one to lock kids up in front of a screen to protect them. Far from it. I want them outside climbing treas, shooting crab apples at passing school busses with wrist rockets, chucking snow balls at cars, bumper hitching on slick roads at stop signs, building bike ramps to jump over other neighborhood kids lying in the road, climbing radio towers, etc, etc, etc.... And even building SPUD guns or tennis ball cannons out of tin vegetable cans, duct tape, a can opening, and lighter fluid. Okay, maybe not the tennis ball cannon. After all that is a burn and fire hazard.
But... there needs to be some risk mitigation to kid antics.
If you are not comfortable with it.... then pitch it.
what, no you cant do those
what, no you cant do those things! didnt you see the homicide charges for the multi car pileup/death from kids throwing eggs at cars? didnt you hear about the lady with the disfigured face for kids throwing a frozen turkey off an overpass?
and we gave the gift back to SS and said we would probably not use it, and he would enjoy it more, his wife did not look happy, then later he posted photos of them using it with their 4 and 6 year olds. I bet it "gets lost" soon. its too dangerous.
No, I have not heard of those
No, I have not heard of those things. My references are to 40+ years ago kid antics, adventures, and learning events. The point being that just about anything can be done safely with proper preparation and oversight. I would rather be out doing things with a kid than tolerate them vegging in front of a screen.
Just my thoughts and opinions of course.