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I don't think I am in love with DH anymore? I need advice or wisdom.

cryingmama's picture

My Dh and i have been married for almost 3 years now, we have a daughter1 and a son7. Also my sd9 and ss12. There are lots of issues with bm and i am his advocate in that respect, I don't hate him, he has never been unfaithful or anything like that. I am no longer attracted to him, i cringe at his touch. We went to theapy for a while last year it helped a little with some issues. I find him annoying and often think he is an idiot.

He is not a bad guy, i just think if we didnt have a child together it would have ended a long time ago.

I have felt this way for a longtime and mt therapist told me to try to make the marriage work. that was about a year ago.

THe other thing is i have never been in a relationship longer than a year. When i was pregnant with my son i was relativly young i was still in college so i have little to measure this by. Also my parents had a bad marriage that ended in divorce when my brother and i were in college.

Any truly helpful remarks would be great.

Also I have sufferd from depression from the beginning of my pregnancy it is getting better and i thought these feelings would go away. They havn't only my ablity to deal with them.


cryingmama's picture

Thanks, Druzzilla. It is good to know some of this is normal. I have been getting help for my depression for over 2 years and have been on meds for over 6months. I'll try focusing more on the good qualities though. Thanks again.

beyond pissed-off's picture

Sometimes it takes a few tries to "hit" on the right med. One size does not fit all when it comes to anti-depressants. You might want to talk to your doc about the lack of effect.

cryingmama's picture

We are not in theapy together any more because after 4 sessions or the theapist said she was moving to a differnt office and didn't think we needed to see her anymore. The place we were going to didnt have any other family theapists and since i have my own theapist it needed to be on dh's insurence. He didn't think we needed to go anymore either.

I don't know how much he knows, i'm sure he knows im not attracted to him anymore. Im not sure if he gets how deep it really is though.

stormabruin's picture

If the tables were turned, what would you hope he would do?

I left my ex after he told me I was selfish, irresponsible, & not qualified to be a mother. Now, given he was controlling & arrogant, I take it for what it's worth.

What helped me decide I needed to leave was understanding that forever is a long time to be with someone who feels that way about me. I didn't feel it was fair to me to waste my days with someone who would never be able to see beyond his "glorious" self to appreciate me & what I have to offer. Obviously, someone who feels that way about me can't respect me. It wasn't fair for me & wasn't fair to expect him to spend forever with someone he felt that way about.

The only way he'll know what you're feeling is for you to tell him. It isn't fair to keep letting it fester inside you while he remains oblivious to it. Clearly, if he thinks you don't need to go to therapy anymore, he isn't aware of how serious an issue this is in your marriage.

In your situation, you don't love your husband. You cringe when he touches you, & he knows these things. If he felt that way toward you, would you want him to stay?

Don't stay out of pity. You both deserve better than that.

You deserve a life with someone you love & respect. Not someone you can put up with & deal with. He deserves a life with someone who loves & respects him. Not someone who's simply willing to deal with him.

jadedprincess's picture

maybe your meds are not working for you. also depression and depression meds can cause what you are feeling. my best friend had a similar situation and they changed her meds around and sex drive and attraction came back. she almost ended her marriage as well but things finally turned around for her. good luck!

duct_tape's picture

I feel for you. What a yucky place to be. After I had my daughter, I sort of went through a time like this. After about six months it passed. For me, I had to just ask myself, "what do you want?" go or stay. It's the back and forth feelings that drove me crazy. In the end, like everyone has mentioned, you have to be happy. If you're not happy in your marriage, your husband probably isn't either. He's probably just hoping to snap out of it.

cryingmama's picture

Thanks for all the advice. I will investigate about the meds to see if they could be to blame for some of it but in all honesty I think I should tell dh how i really feel. Im willing to try to work at it longer but it isnt fair to either of us to be stuck with some one they are not in love with. I feel we could be friends in the future and will work well as good co parents but im not sure about the marraige.

Auteur's picture

I know in my case I lost so much respect for GG when I saw the way he cried solidly for two weeks after the breakup with the Behemoth; supposedly over his children; when he thought that she would "let" him see the skids as often as he liked. . .things that make you go hmmmm. Nothing was prearranged or talked about. He just showed up on my doorstep after the Behemoth kicked him out with nothing but the shirt on his back. That was the day that I *should* have said "no sorry, get your shit in gear first before you enter my life." I regret it disturbed Awesomeson's education as well; it was at a critical time in his life when he had lost his biodad and was a Junior in High school.

GG then felt as though he owed her his ENTIRE salary for the rest of his life; I am not making this up! He actually thought it was my DUTY out of love for him and some sort of "penance" for having fell for his unrelenting advances even though he wanted out of the marriage and knew it was over for YEARS!!

Then I saw the way he kissed his candy-assed children's nether quarters to keep in the Behemoth's good graces and almost overnight started snapping at me and treating me as a slave to the "first family." Then he was fully willing to live off of me and be taken full advantage of in divorce court and financially by the Behemoth rather than "pay some attorney his hard earned money." I said "so you'd rather pay the Behemoth 10,000 times the amount you'd pay an attorney over the years?" He unreasonably said "yes" because he knew it would be MY money that he was supported with while he threw money at his first family. His kids were and still are trouble in the making and I have NO desire to associate with them as they are just like mommykins. Spoiled, entitled and egotistical. I bailed him out of trouble that the Behemoth cooked up more times than I can remember, yet have never, to this day, EVER been appreciated for it.

He has developed a drinking problem and he has often been very verbally abusive and physically abusive a few times. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not plotting to exit. The fact that I foolishly got myself financially entangled with him by buying a house so he could be "closer to his kids" (TM) is pretty much the only thing keeping me where I am today. . . that and the fact that he would easily oft me if I were to cut off his meal ticket by throwing him out before I could even pick up the phone to dial 911.

I would examine your true feelings and why you feel the way you do, perhaps writing them down. Then making an informed decision after that.

skylarksms's picture

I do think that contacting your doctor for a possible change of meds may be in order. I would also try more counseling. A counselor can teach you behavior modification that can help depression without meds. You may still have post-partum or that may be adding to your already existing depression.

I would also start a journal for yourself where you don't censor what you feel. Someday you may get something out on paper that you haven't consciously thought about.

I would work on those kind of things for 6 months at least before you make any sort of decision about leaving or staying.

Jsmom's picture

Try different meds. I have suffered on and off with it as well. Over the years I have tried several. Some work better than others.

Also, I think you need to tell him this and talk about therapy again. Or try an activity that is just for you two. No kids involved. For DH and I it is ballroom dance lessons. Never thought that would work but it has....Funnier than hell, but it puts us on even ground and it makes me remember what I liked about him before BM and SD did their damage.

For my first husband we traveled a lot together and golfed. You have to find something that is just for you two.