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How LOW does the BM go because she is so desperate to just to talk to your DH???

Tara12's picture

BM calls my FH and tells him that they had a home invasion. Now this is the psycho that would call constantly about a rubber band coming off the SD15's braces, a show she saw on TV, or to yell about whatever whenever. They are not friends he can't stand her and would be in awful moods for hours after he would speak to her. We couldn't go 1 day w/out her calling about something ridiculous. They broke up when SD was a couple of mths old and SHE HAS NOT HAD ANOTHER BF SINCE THEN. ANYWAYS he finally told her unless the calls pertain to SD please do not interrupt my personal time (which she did for YEARS until he moved 3,000 away). He talks to his daughter every night and they have a great relationship. So anyways she calls and says she was sleeping on the couch and woke up at 8am to find a man in living room which she yelled at and chased out the door(a man she can't describe AT ALL). She stated their electronic equipment, and other items were piled outside the door. So apparently this person seeing a woman sleeping on the couch made 3 trips or more to get this stuff but he left her purse and cell phone etc., By some miracle the cat didn't even get out! There is no sign of breaking in (lock and deadbolt). The neighbors didn't hear or see anything and SD (it is a small 2 bdrm apt) slept through the whole thing and didn't see any items outside. I think I saw a movie like this - it was called the Grinch that stole xmas!!!! We all know it didn't happen but what better excuse to talk to my FH and milk it for all it's worth - now she is working the sympathy card and insisting (for of course his daughters safety and her the MOTHER of his ONLY child!) that when he comes to visit that he come inspect the apartment etc., etc., see about getting them a security system. I almost went through the roof but had to bite my tongue and had a cocktail instead. She is so pissed because he finally after all these years set boundaries and she is used to telling him what to do - of course always for the benefit of THEIR daughter - to pay for the kids activities, private school, her braces, camp, etc. This is of course on top of the massive amount of CS he already gives her which is fine with us since my FH and I make good money!!! SO does anyone else have to deal with a CRAZY LUNATIC BM that makes things up just so they can still have that ATTACHMENT with your DH???? AGGGH! One martini coming up...

chaotic's picture

I do have to deal with a nutjob like that too. She calls my FH all the time over stupid $hit. I also think she has munchausens by proxy. She is constantly running those kids to the doctor over every little sniffle or scratch and has to make a big production over it. All to gain attention to herself I'm sure. That is good that your FH has finally set some boundaries with her. I am working on mine....

dragonfly's picture

psycho BM wanted to take SD to the hospital one night she was with us over a stomach ache which went away after she threw up... she made a big deal and wanted my H to take SD to her cause according to her SD needed medical attention quickly.she kept on calling and bitching at my H all night and SD was just fine. after all her japing my H took SD to her and she promised she was not going to take her to the hospital but i knew she was lying and sure enough my H later found out that she had taken SD to the hospital.

another time she called my H at during work hours just to ask him if he wanted for her to send him a video tape of SD doing something i guess very special....that really pissed me off cause i limit myself to call him at work cause i don't want to get him in trouble but not her ... i guess she is still trying to get his attention no matter what cause SHE REALIZED THAT HAVING HIS CHILD DID NOT WORK!

everythinghappens4areason's picture

Man oh man.....I could list pages of them...but here are a few;

1) You are the man now I always wanted you to be...I am sorry & I love you (this was after they had been separated 5 yrs & divorced 2 yrs...and also a month after hubby & I bought our first house)

2) Oh look, I have been tanning....and she pulled her pants down to show him her tan lines....a week after he gave me a ring

3) I am so sorry for selling your grandmother's engagement ring....I wanted the $ to go away for a holiday...I will make it up to you one day...wink, wink

4) Your kids are going to miss out on a life time experience (for a school trip) if you won't help pay for it. (It's already pd for through support AND she makes triple what hubby & I do combined).

5) I can't believe you love HER children over your own blood is she a real hick now....blood come on! LOL

So these are just a few that come off the top of my head...but I could seriously list thousands of them!! LOL


sarahbernheart's picture

FH ex was living in a apartment complex on the third floor when lo and behold she was robbed. took the tv the playstation and a computer.
no signs of a break-in no one in the complex saw anything and it happened while ex was home alone and had to leave to go get the kids from some school thing...hmmm...I suspect she took it and hocked it.
no police report was filed..she did not seem that upset..
then she calls a few months ago (FH and I have been together for 5yrs) to tell FH that a dog that she got for the kids a few months ago died...oh and she used FH youngest son's cell phone to call him, (he usually lets her calls go to voicemail) I have an ex and I NEVER call him ...ugh, talking to him makes me physically sick, so why is it so hard for these ex's to let go.

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

doglover1's picture

Geez can i identify with this ! BM calls my Bf every single day at least once. They are divorced 1 year and seperated almost 4 years. She also has a BF and is engaged. (poor guy). WHat is up with this kind of behavior? I dont get it. I never ever call my ex ...

PinkPixie's picture

Bm has slacked off calling dh ever since she got married, but before that, I thought we were both going to have to get rid of our telephone. She was so obnoxious. She would call each and every time sd fell and scraped her knee, threw up, had a stomach ache, stubbed her toe, you name it. Finally dh got so fed up with it he would say, "okay, what do you want me to do about it?" in a rude voice. She got all offended and said, "don't you want to know what's going on in sd's life?" (guilt trip manipulation tactic) He said, "I don't need that level of detail, and you know it." Bm went on for weeks about it, trying to tell everyone she coudl think of that dh was not interested in his daughter's life anymore, but too wrapped up in his "new life."

Personally, I think she did it to annoy me. It was like every time she called she knew she could get dh's attention away from me and it would remind me that she could command his attention any time she wanted it. It backfired, though, because it ended up to where dh woudl rather have his teeth pulled than talk to her. And to this day he will go to great lengths to avoid talking to her, even if its more important things.

bellacita's picture

i think they do it to annoy us and rub it in our faces that they have a kid together and they (bms) are not going away...
we are going to try to put it in the parenting plan to have everything go thru a communication journal unless SD is in the HOSPITAL. otherwise, she will keep calling about unnecessary things just to harass us...we have a long list of it all. last time she called, she informed him that he needed to put SD first, meaning above his son...nope, dont think so

Mich811's picture

My partner's ex-wife calls in the middle of the night saying that the dog needs to be walked. She can't do it because she doesn't want the kids to wake and be scared if she is gone (and that is fine by me). Problem is, every time he goes THE DOG IS FINE. I hate her.

bellacita's picture

to keep him at her beck and call...and its working. put at stop to it b4 it escalates

PinkPixie's picture

Have you dh take the dog to your house, so she can't use that over his head anymore. If she can't take care of the dog, then he can, or else find it a new home. That is one of hte most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard!!

dragonfly's picture


Mich811's picture

yeah, and we want the dog, too -- we could take better care of it. her argument is that the kids would be destroyed (actually, that's true) and that the dog adores the kids. honestly there are more fights over custody of this stupid dog then the kids!!!

the good news is that she now has a boyfriend so hopefully that poor sucker will be forced to walk her stinky dog in the freezing rain.

kassandrarayne's picture

BM calls BF on his work phone constantly....ok we have the SD full time as the pyshco BM moved thousands of miles away to the middle of no where. My issue is #1 you lost the right to call him during work when you started sleeping around and left him for another man #2 your Daughter is away at University and not even living with us why the h@ll are you calling here?
I think he said something to her lately because she is not calling as much but then again she can pop on to MSN and bug him whenever she likes because he still has her on there....does anyone see anything weird there or am I being a b*tch to think he shouldn't be 'chatting' online to her? :?