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How low can BM go? The depths are revealed.

Uddermudder123's picture

Just when DH and I thought BM couldn't go any lower...BAM!  The depths that BM will go to hurt us and make herself out to be a victims just keep coming.

BM apparently went on SS's, who passed away last year, Facebook page only to find out that somehow she has be unfriended.  She then posted on her page accusing DH and I of having access to SS's Facebook account and unfriending her.  This is unequivocally untrue.  Neither DH nor I have access in any way, shape or form.  Hell, I wasn't even "friends" with him. 

The comments to her post are quite terrible. Making us out to be monsters. 

I should note that neither DH nor I are "friends" of hers nor is she able to view our pages. We found out about the post from mutual "friends" who sent us screen shots. 

DH reached out to SD17 to just let her know that he does not have access to SS's account.  SD17 responded that BM thinks it's one SS's girlfriend's who actually did have access to his account. No apology.  And so far no retraction of her post. 

This week was already emotionally challenging as it was the one year anniversary of SS's passing, and now this.  

We are so tired of this BS. If post is not retracted, BM will be hearing from our lawyer. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Anyone who would treat you guys differently or dislike you because of BM's facebook post is not worth knowing. I hope your DH is on board with going no contact with what sounds like a good number of toxic people in his life. 

Rags's picture

There is no limit to how low someone with the shit puddle of a gene pool that BM comes from can sink.

I would definately have your attorney send a Cease and Decist order to BM with a SNIP of her post accusing you.

Own her idiot ass.   Do not let her ever dodge her toxic crap.  She is likely using the anniversary of SS's passing to troll for sympathy and to re-energize her relevance.

Do not let her hide behind supposed grief.  People like her are incapable of grieving. Though they are fully capable of putting on the facade of the grieving party.

Guage people by their actions and never be fooled by their words.  Even when that person is supposedly a mother grieving a deceased child.


shamds's picture

Their dumb ass family members and friends will happily side with them as they too are dumb. If they had a brain and critical thinking skills, they would sense something fishy and not automatically side with biomum. 

"you are the company you keep"

biomum whinged and complained to coworkers that my husband was horrible/abusive etc just to tarnish his image. She brainwashed the sd's to believing dad was such a horrible man that went to witch drs to do black magic on her despite them having cctv footage clearly seeing biomums own sibling and spouse enter their home illegally to do black magic. Still hubby was the baddy.

sd's then got shitty and handed hubby an ultimatum its me and our then 2 toddlers or them!! Yet they had cut off all contact and disowned him for 5.5 yrs and in our religion disowning family is one of the gravest sins unless you have justification such as abuse etc which there was none.

you just have to zone out these idiots and laugh at how pathetic they are. God and the people close to me know what truly happened- thats enough for me.