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How do you handle favoritism?

crazysexycoolmama's picture

DH and I have a baby together and raise my BS10 and part time SS8.

Although, I've noticed that most of his pictures, profile pictures, social media, passwords, etc. are all of SS8. When he would e-mail others, he would only reference my stepson and not my children. I did not mention anything since I did not want to make a big deal out of it. But then then every time we have a full blown fight it's always about stepson (pick up issues, discipline, untidyness, etc). He denies this favoritism and says he barely gets to spend time with part time SS8. There is never a problem with BS10 or our baby together because I am always fair and welcoming.

Favoritism makes me sick especially when we have a baby together. How do I handle/cope with this?

crazysexycoolmama's picture

Thank you for the feedback. We will seek therapy if I still decide to be married to him.

I do think DH is the one with more issues. Yes it is true that we care more for our biological children and stepkids are on the bottom of the list. And I admit I will always favor mine over his. Rather, the pictures he has of his son instead of our baby, is way too obvious. And that annoys me to pieces.

Orange County Ca's picture

This is worth divorcing over? Good grief. You'd put your youngest through that over this as well as your older boy going through it again. He'll think revolving husbands are the normal way of life. Think of his self-esteem as a adult male.

When your infant starts to question why the other kid is given more attention tell him to ask Daddy.