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How do YOU disengage/disassociate with skids

MrsCancer1973's picture

Would any of you like to give examples of how you disassociate/disengage with skids (especially ones that live with you F/T)

And also how does the skid react to your disengagement and disassociation. How does your S/O react?

How was your mindset before and how is it now after just deciding on this way of cohabiting?

Thanks for your inputs in advance.

stressed_sd's picture

I've been looking into this a lot more lately. I just have nothing close to common with my SS-8. Is 8 too young?? I just feel like when it's our days to have him, it's like a dark cloud of depression and anxiety comes over our house. Effects my wife horribly, which might be my biggest issue with him.