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How do feel about this?

stepmomx2's picture

During the school year, my 12-year old stepdaughter and 14-year old stepson live primarily with my husband and I and their two half brothers (ages 2 & 3). In the summer the stepkids live primarily with their BM, stepfather, and 3 year old half sister. This summer, BM has been leaving my SD12 home alone to babysit for the 3-year old. Do you find this appropriate?

Typically BM is working, or doing something with SS14. Occasionally she'll leave SS14 home alone to watch tht 3-year old while she and SD12 go out to do something together. I do not feel that a 12-year old is equipped to babysit for a 3-year old (one time she was home alone for 6 hours!). SD12 likes it because her mom pays her and she likes feeling that someone thinks she's responsible. I just worry that heaven forbid something bad should ever just seems like a big burden to place on such a young child. I sent SD12 to a babysitting course so that she would be a little more prepared, but I still don't feel comfortable with it. I could see being a mother's helper maybe, watchin the 3 year old when the mother or father were in the house, or just outside or something but not home alone.

It saves BM money since she doesn't have to hire a traditional babysitter so I can see why she does it, but I would never leave my boys with SD12, or any 12 year old for that matter. I feel like SD12 should be out enjoying her summer, not caring for her mother's child.

Am I way off?

sweetthing's picture

My 13 y/o SS is taking care of my almost 4 y/o this week because our daycare is on vacaction. His 11 y/o brother is assisting him. He is mature & has taken a babysitting class, also my next door neighbor is home during the day so if an issue arose there is a trusted adult nearby. However, I would NEVER leave BS4 home with the 11 y/o, good kid, but immature & BS doesn't get along as well with him.

This is a one week deal & I am paying them very well so I don't feel bad about it. BM leave him incharge of his brother & her BF's 3 kids when they go out to the bar at night, now that I feel is different than what is happening this week at my home.

purpledaisies's picture

It depends on her maturity. If she can handle it then why not? You sent her to a baby sitting course good for you. Her mom feels she is mature enough so that is all that matters right? I know 3yr olds are hyper but I know lots of people that left and do leave their kids with their younger sibs and everything is just fine. This is not the first time nor the last time people will leave thier kids with their older sibs. I don't see a big deal if that kid can handle it but of course that is the parents call.

moongirl1701's picture

My opinion, a 12 year old is old enough to stay at home by themself for a while. But I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a 3yr old with them.
Just my opinion Smile

Still Have Hope's picture

I started babysitting at 10 and my DD did at 12. This is a great way for a girl her age to earn money and learn self reliance. Help is a phone call away if needed. Just think at this rate she will be ready for a real summer job at 16. And by college age ready to help support herself. Not like my skids who never worked a day doing anything until the CS ended at 18. And as for enjoying the summer, what is more fun than earning your own money? I am sure she is having plenty of fun. Your SD has an opportunity to grown and mature this summer which is important at her age. Check out the freerange kids website and think of this as a good thing.

hismineandours's picture

My dd13 also started babysitting for others at 12-in fact she was watching 3 kids 10, 6, and 4. She also spent last summer watching her sibs who were 11 and 8 at the time. She has watched her cousin before when she was 4. Kids around here start "real" jobs at 14 so babysitting at 11 or 12 is really the norm in our area. So in general I think it is ok-however, it really depends on the sitter in question. Some 12 year olds are very mature and others not at all. My ss is also 13 and he would be the last one I'd even leave at home by himself. I'd trust my 9 year old dd before I'd trust him-he's just very immature, impulsive, and selfcentered-my dd never minded watching her sibs-it was 3 days a wee in the summer-if she wanted to go somewhere we tried to make other arrangements.