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How to deal with a jealous girlfriend?

DarylMendula25's picture

My girlfriend gets insanely jealous from the smallest things and it’s getting out of hand. Yeah I admit that I did cheat on her once, but that happened a long time ago. I don’t search women by ID or chat with them online behind her back anymore. While I admit that I might accidently like some random girl’s selfie on Instagram or Facebook, it really doesn’t mean anything. She doesn’t get it though and will completely go off on me when she sees that I’ve liked a girl’s photo or commented on it. How do I deal with this?

Notup4it's picture

You cheated, she isn’t over it... it is a hard thing to get over.... it sticks with you for life pretty much. 

I would do her a favour and end things so she can go find someone she can trust.  It honestly is hell living with trying to “get past” cheating. You messed up, you should have just been dumped didn’t happen because she cared too much about you.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

How does one "accidently like some random girl’s selfie on Instagram or Facebook?"

marblefawn's picture

Stop liking random girls' pictures and your problem is solved!

After all, what are you getting by liking "a random girl's selfie?" Like, why is it so important to do it if you know it will set off your GF?

If you can't stop doing it, maybe your GF is onto something. Think about it.

Areyou's picture

Sooo if she slept with someone else and started liking other men’s posts you wouldn’t care? Stop using jealousy to gaslight her.

caitlinj's picture

Do your girlfriend a favor and end it. She can do so much better. The fact that you cannot seem to understand how she is having trouble getting passed the fact that you cheated on her it is baffling to me. Also your obesession with instagram/facebook and the women on there proves you have a lot of growing up to do. BTW this isn't a relationship advice forum.

DarylMendula25's picture

I don't want to end my relationship with her. I love her but her jealousy it just too much. I know I have hurt her but I'll make sure I'll stop doing these things. 

AlwaysSmiling's picture

You've shared what you did to lose your girlfriend's trust.

What are you doing to regain your girlfriend's trust in you? 

caitlinj's picture

I'm going to guess what he is doing to "regain her trust" is be shady with his phone, deleting shady texts, etc. yet accuses her of being jealous. He likely also spends way too much time on social media and likes women's photos. lol. He sounds like a great guy(sarcasm). Also if he has proven to be trustworthy he likely wouldnt have a jealus gf. Been there done that. 

Jcksjj's picture

Wow I hope this is a troll post.

SteppedOut's picture

I'm looking at it it as a troll post because it's not anything related with being a stepparent or step-parent life. As far as we know, this person isnt even in step life. 

Of all the forums, why post this on a step parent forum?

Mrs.Marvel's picture

Well let's see...... You cheated on her!! I think that about sums it up. 

Do her a favor, and break up with her. Let the girl find someone who can keep it in his pants

Stunned Step of 3's picture

You must have a small d#$% and low self esteem to treat someone you love like that. 

caitlinj's picture

Napoleon complex. I wonder how tall he is. My guess is not very tall in height either.