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Helping the SKids - is it helping or hurting afterall?

strugglingat28's picture

As a Stepmom, I notice I'm not alone with the insane jealousy and insecurity of BM/ex-wife. She has caused countless uproars over the most ridiculous things from my and my husband's point of view. But, because of the hell she causes, I have to question, what are we as step parents, supposed to do?

I got backlash and threatened and screamed at over doing my SD's hair for school (she asked me to do it since she has seen me do my neice's hair often), for helping her with her homework (I have two master's programs behind me for education/teaching), for cooking her dinner (because now her daughter expects "home-cooked" meals that she just doesn't have the time to make), for coloring Easter eggs with her (that's a "mother's experience" to have with her child), for going apple picking together (again, "mother's experience", for going to her events (school concert, recitals, etc.), and on and on.

Background - I, like many of you, had nothing to do with the divorce, nor have I done anything to offend or hurt her (except for her own paranoia/jealousy issues).

Of course, I help out to help my SD and my husband. We have been a family for four years now. This isn't new. But, BM is still getting crazier over the "little things", and causing so much of a ruckus and hell for all of us, I have to ask.....IS IT WORTH IT?

We hurt the step kids, they are the ones who lose out if we don't help them. But, at what cost? Does it hurt them more to deal with the jealous, psycho BM? My SD hears so much crap from her mother for the things that I do for her. I often wonder if it only ends up hurting more than helping, since I can't do anything to prevent BM from acting this mean and selfishly.

When does the backlash from BM become more powerful in hurting the kid(s) than the benefit of those things that we as step parents do for these kids?

***NEW PART***
My SD now does not want me to touch her, her hair, or anything else. She won't eat the food I cook very often now, and gets upset if I do something nice because she hates what she is going through. She has been to three counselors over the past few help. The BM goes to the counseling with her, and even when its our turn to take her, BM will show up anyway, and even though she's not in the room with her daughter, the court said that she can't be prohibited from going and sitting in the lounge, which makes her daughter nervous, knowing she's there. Also, BM is allowed to have the sessions recorded and the court said we can't prevent that either. She'll never get through her feelings because she's even more scared to say something on tape. My SD is mean to me because she probably thinks it will make her mother feel better. How sad. But SD just wants to let her mother win because its too much for her (and sometimes me) to handle.

Should I stop for the sake of saving the extra stress, yelling, phone calls, badgering, embaressment in public, emails, and the hell my SD has to deal with too? Or should I do it anyway, and brace myself for the aftermaths I know are to follow? Sometimes it seems worth it, sometimes I think that my SD just ends up hurt more, even if it's not my fault, I still can't stop it. I can only prevent it. What do all of you think?

Chocoholic's picture

I know I've wondered this as well.... but I also know that my DH is not going to live the rest of his life without a wife/partner/girlfriend (whatever).... and whoever enters his life, BM will do the same thing...
It is BM hurting 'her' own children.... is she going to stop if we were no longer in the picture? Maybe for a short time... but then she will start up again.... the children are her pawns.... and she will use them and hurt them whether or not we are there.
I believe that God puts people in your life for a reason.... we are with our skids for a reason and BM can't dictate God's plan....
So I say we continue to do the best we can when our skids are with us... we continue to love and support them and don't pay any mind to BM and her antics.... what goes around, comes around.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

shandee's picture

Don't stop doing things for your sd!!! What does that say to her? What does that say to the bm? For your sd ; you don't want her to think you love her less because her mom is surely going to tell her that....see told you she doesn't care about you etc. the bm will twist whatever you do to help her devient cause!! Kids are smart they know who is caring for them, not that the mother doesn't but kids need to learn to recieve and give love to more that one person in their life or how will they ever have healthy adult relationships?
I have had almost the exact same instances with my sd and the bm. The hair thing... I went a little farther than fixing it , I have cut it and gave her very subtle hilites just to even the gap from summer blonde. Now saying that , I'm a licensed cosmetologist, and i was also doing 2 of my own daughters hair & sd wanted hers done also so with her fathers permission we had a beauty shop day. I did such a good job on her color her mom didn't notice for 2 weeks. Sd didn't go home and tell her mom she had it done because she knew what would happen....and when her mom found out she flipped told sd to never let me touch her f*@kn hair again!!! Then my husband got an ass chewin!!! What are you going to let her do nxt have sex when she is 13. I mean the woman is on the edge!! The cooking , yeah we have that, we have 5 kids i cook almost everything from scratch, and i cook 90% of the time. my husband can cook very well because the bm has never and still does not cook, her bf does,or her mother who now lives with her so she has live in daycare, housekeeper, & cook. The gma is crazier than the bm, so my sd is getting crap from all sides!!! Sd & her maternal cousins have told my husband and i several times all the nasty things the gma says about us to the kids.
Please don't stop caring for your sd because then the bm wins, she is hurting her daughter even though she may thinks she may be winning if her daughter ( out of fear) sides with her. If you really think this is hurting your sd get her some counseling, this is a form of abuse!! Don't you think we could all colaborate and write a great book?

Cruella's picture

I-m so happy

Tiana12's picture

I think your doing a great job!

I too have thesame issue specially when SD10 calls and says " Can you please explain to mum how you did my hair the other day, as mum can't seem to get it right!"

Little things like this must the BM heart apart. Only now that i am a mum myself I understand why they get jelous and mad, but in the end of the day it will bring you and tour SD closer and she will eventualy realise how mwan her mum is being.

Chocoholic's picture

You remind me sooo much of my daughter's SM... and I LOVE HER!!! She is also a licensed cosmetologist and she had only 2 boys... now that she has a daughter she LOVES doing her hair, highlights, temporary extentions, the whole 9 yards.

The very first time my daughter's "other mom" wanted to cut our little girl's hair she had my ex-DH call me and ask my permission! To tell you the truth... it felt kind of weird.... I appreciate the gesture but its not my hair... our daughter wanted it cut... so go for it!

Now, she is the only one who cuts our daughter's hair!! I wouldn't take her anywhere else.... she also did my hair for my wedding!

If your SD's BM can't see what a good thing she has going that is her loss!

My SD's BM is the same way.... I too took my SD to have her hair cut and BM FLIPPED!! Not that we cared.... I don't see the big deal anyway, its the kids hair.... if they want to cut then let them! I think its a major control issue that a lot of BM's share (some SMs too).

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

strugglingat28's picture

I will keep trying, but sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it since my SD manipulates me and the BM too. Is it my responsibility or just her privilege? I'm just so tired and I'm so young to feel this way. I appreciate the help and for everyone caring, but when is enough, enough?